Memories with Izzy <3

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A/N - sometimes my writing flows EASILY and it FLOWED this time😍

For once there aren't really any upsetting scenes🫡

*this takes place like two weeks after Izzy's kidnapping, so in between chapters 35+36 of Delgado*



My head had been in a dark place recently.

Filled with nothing but memories of my kidnapping, flashbacks of Nico and his father, it felt like I was being tormented constantly...when I was both awake and asleep.

My brothers had barely left my side throughout the past three weeks, and hadn't missed an opportunity to tell me just how brave they thought I was, or how much they loved me. They didn't realise how much they were helping me, even though it felt like I couldn't be helped.

I'd been curled up on the sofa for at least two hours, barely paying attention to the shitty horror film playing on the tv and not having the energy to get up and make myself something to eat.

I felt like a ghost in my own home.

"Hey Bella", Xander's voice filled my ears from behind me, the sound of cupboards opening and closing and pans clattering filling my ears shortly afterwards. I didn't reply, just squeezed the blanket on my lap in my fists and clenched my jaw, trying to force myself not to cry yet again for no reason. That seemed to be all I did recently: sit there in silence and cry - I was surprised they hadn't gotten sick of me and shipped me off elsewhere.

I don't know where that would be exactly, but even I was fed up of me right now.

"You should've seen King earlier, he's obsessed with these frozen mice I've been buying him", one thing I loved about Xander sometimes was his inability to have emotional conversations- especially when the rest of our brothers always tried to talk about what had happened to me.

Xander would rather talk about a random topic to take my mind off of shit instead of having me open up, and I appreciated it.

"Frozen mice?", my face scrunched up and he chuckled, sizzling filling the air as he continued to crash around.

"Fucking disgusting, but also cool", I could hear the smirk in his voice, "how'd you sleep last night? I heard-".

"Grilled cheese? Where's mine?", Xav's interruption had my chest falling in relief, I knew full well where that conversation was going had he not walked in. He'd definitely heard me waking from my nightmare last night. And just like that my heart rate increased and the memories came flooding back: the blood, the smell, the feeling of the barrel of the gun pressing against the back of my head.

I hated living like this.

"Get your own and- Bella?", I sniffed, trying to wipe the everlasting tears before one of them could see I was crying once again; but before I could so much as wipe my face two arms had engulfed me in a hug from behind, a chin resting on top of my head.

"I got you", Xav said quietly, taking my shaky hands in his bigger ones, "let it out Izzy". He didn't have to tell me twice. Sobs wracked my entire body, compromising my breathing as I trembled in my brother's hold, blocking out everything else around me.

"I'm sorry", I cried, squeezing my eyes shut as Xav rubbed my arms soothingly, "god you probably think-".

"Absolutely nothing", he cut me off, chin still resting on my head, "please don't apologise Izzy".

"Mi amor? What's happened?", oh great. Xav stayed put as I tried to pull myself together, I could just feel Zane's eyes burning into me from wherever he was in the room.

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