Xav, Xan & Izzy

613 33 39

A/N - short and sweet with my fav trio 🥹🫶🏾



If there was one thing I'd learned from having our sister live with us for the past two years, it was that her periods transformed her into someone else.

Xav liked to claim Bella was like a troll living in a cave when she shut herself away in her room, Chase had told him to never dare say that to her face unless he wanted to get on the wrong side of her.

But me, like the fantastic brother I could be sometimes, had decided to get in our sister's good graces today.

Plus I was bored, so dragging Bella out was an excuse to do something.

See? I could be nice when I wanted to be.

"We're going out, get up", I knocked on her bedroom twice and walked right in, watching her sit up instantly and clutch the hot water bottle against her stomach.

"I'm in pain Xan", she shook her head, running her fingers through her black hair, "not really feeling up to it".

"This is the cure, come on", I clapped my hands while she narrowed her eyes, "why are you looking at me like that?".

"Are you just asking me because Jax is occupied?", she had so little faith in me, I just rolled my eyes and grabbed one of her hoodies that were hung up on the back of the door, "Xan".

"I can't spend time with my moody little sister?", she scowled at me and I surrendered, "I'll buy you that sushi you like, come on". I watched her shoulders fall slightly, and I knew she was about to cave.

"Will you chuck a bubble tea into the mix?", she raised an eyebrow, abandoning her hot water bottle and moving to the edge of her bed, "I think I'll consider it then". Little shit trying to rinse my bank account.

"Whatever", I agreed, a smug expression crossing her face as she stood, taking her hoodie out of my hands and pulling it over her head, "you did that on purpose didn't you? I bet it barely even hurts". She scowled at me and I surrendered, wrong thing to say apparently.

"Knock knock", the door was shoved open and hit my back, I bit out a curse and Xav gasped from the other side, "sorry, what are you two doing?".

And just like that, our brother-sister day out was about to turn into the three of us.

"Xan's treating me to sushi and bubble tea", Izzy grinned, picking up her phone off the bed and pocketing it.

"I don't like either of those things, can I come though?", he pleaded, throwing an arm around my shoulder to which I shrugged him off instantly, "why the cold shoulder?".

"You're hilarious", I deadpanned, "I'm driving".

"Why can't I?", he frowned, throwing an arm around Izzy's shoulder instead- unlike me she didn't reject the touch.

Xav and I may have looked the same, but that was probably where our similarities ended. Case in point, he was a hugger, always had to be showing someone affection by touching them- I hated that shit. Unless someone was trying to pick a fight with me, people needed to step the fuck back.

"Just let Xan drive Xav", Bella came to my rescue, "we can karaoke in the backseat".

Or fucking not.

"It's like you two want to see me go insane", I scowled, opening her door and heading down the hall; this was what I got for trying to be nice.


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