Caleb & Theo

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A/N - basically Caleb, Theo, Aaron and Gigi <3

This came to me so randomly enjoyyy❤️❤️



When my daughter was born a little over a year and a half ago, Kyra and I were worried because she barely cried. She cried when she was born, sure- everyone in the room did- but apart from that, the occasions were far and wide.

Learning to walk and falling? No crying.

Hitting her head on one of my easels? One tear.

Teething pains? A bit of fussing.

I was convinced G was one of a kind, because every other baby I'd encountered sounded like a fucking siren - especially Aaron. The kid was bursting eardrums, and he wasn't even two weeks old yet.

"Alright little guy", Theo rocked his son gently on his shoulder, a palm rubbing his back slowly; I was trying to prepare his milk bottle as quickly as I could, but my nephew waited for no-one.

"It's nearly done Ronnie, I promise", I turned between them and the bottle a few times, my best friend looking distraught as he tried to calm his son; I knew he was struggling with being a new single father more than he was letting on, it can't have been fucking easy.

"Why won't- won't he stop?", he gritted out, shushing Aaron a little harsher than I think he intended- I hated seeing him stressing like this.

"Alright, I've got him", I took the baby from his hold and rested him against my chest, grabbing his bottle with my unoccupied hand and moving towards the doorway so I could enter the living room, "you go take a shower, I've got him".

"I can't just-,", he raked a hand through his dishevelled blonde hair and frowned, he thought I didn't have this under control?

"Take care of yourself too?", I filled in, raising an eyebrow, "I've got him". He watched the two of us for what felt like at least sixty seconds before nodding in resignation, taking a deep breath and beginning to head upstairs with one short glance back. I was due to become Aaron's favourite uncle, and there was no way I'd stand for any different.


When Theo returned in a white t-shirt and sweats, a towel around his neck, and a smile on his face the second he laid his eyes on his son, I could tell some of the tension had been washed away from him.

Some of it.

"We look like a couple", I joked as he sat next to me on the sofa, taking Aaron carefully and holding him in the crook of his elbow, "see? He was just hungry".

"Yeah", he muttered, looking at his son closely, "his life's been- been ruined before uh, before it's begun". Now that made me frown.

"And what makes you say that?", I asked, receiving a deadpan look in return, "apart from her walking out, what makes you think he can't have the best possible life with just you?".

"I'm the- the- the last person who should be a father", he seemed adamant about that, "look at- at me".

"I'm looking", I hummed, "looking at a man who looks at his son like he's the most important thing in his life". He stayed quiet, just watching Aaron as he scrunched up his face every now and then, a few small sounds escaping him too.

"He is", he whispered, "that doesn't mean he doesn't- doesn't uh, deserve better than me".

"Don't tell me you think that because of your stutter", it wasn't even hurt that filled me then, it was anger, "Theo-,".

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