Zane & Nix Have Kids *alternate*

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A/N - I love this I can't cope

I didn't check for typos I apologise 🫡



"Thank you for coming in on such short notice Mr Delgado...and Mr Delgado", Phoenix flashed a smile to the lean man opposite the two of us, I just stared at him blankly, "we have a few matters to discuss-,".

"Where's our son?", I cut him off, adjusting my already straight tie and checking my watch, I couldn't bear to hear what he'd done now.

"Killian is with the behavioural department, they won't be any longer than ten minutes and-,", fuck that.

"We want to see him now", I announced, watching the man shift in his seat, "do I have to go and search for him myself?".

"Z", Phoenix turned to me, shaking his head discreetly to which I raised an eyebrow; sue me for wanting to see if the boy was okay, "uh, what happened this time?".

"According to Killian's math teacher he was being disruptive-,", I'd had enough of these people, it was a miracle I'd kept my cool for so long.

"And is that in his control?", I narrowed my eyes slightly while his widened, "and I assume the teacher asked him to stop?". Even Phoenix didn't look impressed now, and he was usually the level headed one out of the two of us; that went out of the window when it came to our four children though.

"He asked him to leave the room, Killian responded by..throwing his chair, as well as an iced coffee at him", I cleared my throat, covering my smile with my hand as I pretended to scratch my chin.

That's my boy.

Phoenix on the other hand, didn't have as much of a discreet reaction like I did- he started laughing, shaking his head and clearing his throat.

"Sorry. This is serious", he straightened up and cracked his knuckles, "you want to punish Kill?".

"We think a small suspension would be beneficial", beneficial for who exactly? I didn't have time to reply because the office door swung open, the culprit entering the room with on his face.

This boy would be the death of me.

"Papa...Dad", he flashed us an even wider grin and slipped into the seat in between us, "I believe I'm owed a new iced coffee?".

"I believe you owe us an explanation", Phoenix told him, Killian just adjusted his thick framed glasses and lifted a shoulder nonchalantly, "Kill".

"I'm sure you've been enlightened", he smirked, facing me, "you want me to plead my innocence or some shit?".

"You said you want to suspend him?", I faced the principal, knowing I'd start praising my son if I entertained his conversation any longer, "and for how long?".

"Three days", he replied, "we understand what happened was out of Killian's control-,".

"Oh I was in control", he snorted, raking his fingers through his black hair and leaning back so his chair was on two legs, "my aim was perfect-,".

"Killian Levi Delgado", I pinched the bridge of my nose and exhaled harshly, "so he'll be back in school on the third of October?".

"Correct", the man nodded and Killian groaned.

"Damn, I'm coming back on your birthday Pa", he said to Phoenix who just rolled his eyes, "are we done here?". I didn't think it was possible for someone to be such a mix of Xavier and Alexander when they were teenagers, yet I was proved wrong every time I was in Killian's presence.

Extras🎬Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin