The Flu pt.2...

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A/N - another short one❤️

The tables had turned...



My brothers had given their stupid illness to me.

A week later and all six of them were pretty much healed, and now I was facing the consequences of spending my time looking after them.


And to top it all off, my period had started in the night, and I was still trying to psych myself up to tell one of them that I'd leaked through my pyjamas and sheets.

When I'd first moved in a short while ago, there were already pads and tampons in my bathroom, so at least they had some understanding I supposed.

I'd been pacing my bedroom after my shower, sniffing, coughing, and in pain- I should've stayed away from them all last week.

I jumped when the door knocked, uttering a small 'come in' before it opened; I couldn't help but relax when Chase slipped inside of my room with a small tray in his hands.

"You okay?", he narrowed his eyes slightly, setting what appeared to be breakfast down on my desk, "why aren't you in bed resting?".

Just tell him Izzy, what's the worst that could happen?

"Uh...I kinda- my period started", I shuffled on my feet and looked in every direction that wasn't his, "I leaked through my pyjamas". Chase's expression didn't falter- fuck, I didn't think he even blinked, just nodded and watched me for a moment.

"Take your sheets off, yeah? I'll take them to the laundry room", he adjusted his glasses, "the pyjamas too". I nodded, stripping the bed down to the mattress and handing him everything, this whole encounter feeling way too embarrassing even though I knew there was nothing to be embarrassed about.

"Thanks. And uh, sorry", his face scrunched up then, his glasses moving slightly which made him fix them again.

"Why are you sorry, it happens", he lifted a shoulder, "I have a girlfriend Izzy, I'm not completely clueless like the rest of them". Right. I forgot he'd mentioned that before.

"Well thank you anyway", I smiled, glancing over at the tray he'd brought in, "you made me breakfast?".

"Xan made you breakfast, I'm just delivering it", he chuckled, "you wanna take it to my room and relax in there? I'll sort out your bed". How were they all so...nice?

"You don't mind?", I double checked and he shook his head, "okay". He smiled, dropping my sheets onto the floor and picking up the tray of food again, I held the door for him before he led the way down the hall to his room.

Chase's room was literally pristine, give or take the mess of his desk; there were papers everywhere, books stacked, books open, three mugs placed around too. It smelled of aftershave and coffee, and his bed looked like a cloud, calling my name instantly.

"You can eat on my bed, the desk's a mess", he told me, placing the tray down on his duvet and fixing his glasses, "I'll sort out your bed, do you want any painkillers?".

"Painkillers would be great", I replied, sinking into the bed and looking at the pancakes, strawberries and cream with a smile, "thank you Chase".

"No problem", he grinned, opening his door, "I'll send one of them up with some". He disappeared and I began to tuck into my food with a sigh, what a day this was gonna be...



The second I slipped out of my bedroom, I removed my hearing aids and stuffed them into my pockets; the throbbing ache of my temples telling me that I wasn't the only one who needed the damn painkillers.

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