Zane + Phoenix Babysitting

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A/N - how I've missed Zane's POV...



We were running a fucking daycare centre at this point.

As much as I loved my siblings and I loved their respective children even more, I was meant to be enjoying my years of 'retirement'- yet Phoenix and I were being used as a babysitting business every damn weekend.

But the little shits were cute, so I couldn't really complain.

Today we had the upmost pleasure of looking after four of our nephews and nieces at once; Sienna, Silas, Luca and other words complete and utter chaos under one roof.

"Uncle Zaneee, Silas bit me!", Sienna all but scurried into the kitchen, clutching her arm with a frown etched on her face; I clenched my jaw in an attempt to not laugh when Phoenix chuckled from beside me, "it's not funny Uncle Nix". That sobered him up.

"I'm sorry darling", he said sincerely, "tell your brother to come here hm?".

She nodded eagerly and ran off the same way she came, Sienna may have only been seven but she was as authoritative as could be; always speaking her mind and ordering others around. The complete opposite of her father. I couldn't help but chuckle to myself when Silas sauntered into the room, blonde hair as scruffy as ever and clothes so creased you would've thought he'd been dragged through a ditch.

"Silas", I said his name in that warning tone, trying to look somewhat angry at the four year old, "what have I told you about biting your sister?". He shrugged, sticking a thumb into his mouth.

"It bad", he mumbled, shuffling on his feet and watching us with wide blue eyes.

"And what can you do to make Sienna feel better?", I leaned down slightly to meet his height, resting my palms on my thighs as I did so.
"I say sorry", he declared, removing his thumb from his mouth, "and I no bite again".

"You got it", I squeezed his shoulder, cocking my head and urging him to go and apologise, he hurried off shortly after and I chuckled, glancing back at Phoenix, "he is cut from a different cloth".

"I don't know Chase and Rory do it", he laughed, "his speech is getting better". Silas had been born prematurely and spent the first few weeks of his life in the NICU, and while he'd been doing nothing but thriving since, he had a few developmental delays, more specifically surrounding his speech and language.

"He's always been a thriver", I chuckled, "Chase said he won't stop telling people to shut up at school".

"He's a terror", Phoenix laughed and I did too, so far all of my siblings' children couldn't be more different if they tried. And with Caleb and Kyra's daughter Gianna still practically a newborn and Alexander's second son Quinn barely a toddler, I was certain we'd have a few more personalities in the family in due time.

"Uncle Zay!", Luca, my potential personal favourite nephew and the child who had taken my name, stormed into the room and made a beeline for me, jumping into my arms, "where's Stel?".

"She's not feeling well, remember?", I ruffled his dark brown hair and kissed his forehead, "your Mum and Dad are looking after her, that's why you're having a sleepover with us".

"And them?", he pointed a finger towards the doorway and I chuckled, he loved being the centre of attention, always.

"Just you sobrino", I promised, "Uncle Chase is coming for Sienna and Silas, and we're dropping Cole to Uncle Xander and Uncle Jax".

"And Quinn", he corrected me and I rolled my eyes, "you forgot Quinn, Uncle Zay".

"So I did", I grinned, "are you hungry?".

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