The Flu...

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A/N - going ALLL the way back to when Izzy first moved in 🥺

Gonna write a few small scenes from back when they were all this young 🫡🫡



All six of my brothers were sick.

I was putting it down to my amazing immune system that I wasn't suffering from the flu like the rest of them, but it also meant that I was playing doctor for six grown men.

Kinda, the twins didn't count.

Neither did Caleb, even though he was twenty-one.

I hadn't been living here for that long, and I was still learning things about my brothers every day- fuck, I was still trying to wrap my head around the fact that I even had brothers.

And now that they were all sick, I was beginning to understand what they were like when they were unwell, and let's just say it varied between all six of them.

Zane was acting like he was fine, still up and about despite there being tissues stuffed up his nostrils, he'd even offered to drive me to school this morning. I just decided to stay off and look after them, something I thought my eldest brother would disagree with.

Scott had basically turned his room into a dark cave, no light in there whatsoever whilst he lay under his duvet with a box of tissues and some vapour rub; when he had emerged from his room this morning he'd been wrapped in a blanket with his blonde hair a complete mess.

And I'd discovered that he sounded like a fucking trumpet when he blew his nose, so much so that it had made Xav jump and flee the room.

Caleb and Xav were exaggerators, the pair of them were acting like they were on their death beds- I was pretty sure Xav had cried when he'd woken up this morning and couldn't taste his pancakes. The two of them had been on the sofa groaning and complaining for hours now, even Zane had told them to shut the fuck up.

Chase, like our eldest brother, was carrying on as if he wasn't unwell, had been in his little office in the library doing work since he'd gotten up; he'd taken his hearing aids out so he was practically shut away from the rest of us, probably trying to block out the complaints coming from Xav and Cay.

And then you had Xander.

I was aware my youngest older brother was an angry person in general, but pair that with the flu? It was like he was out for blood in here, and even though I believed he'd never hurt me, even I couldn't deny that he was a little terrifying today.

"Scott?", I knocked on my brother's door and took a step back, only moving forwards again when I heard a groan from the other side, "uh, I brought the energy drink you asked for, and some toast".

"Come in", came his groggy reply, I did as he said and squinted into the dark pit of his bedroom, "you're a lifesaver bebita".

"It's just a drink and toast", I shrugged, being used to looking after people at this point, "how are you feeling?".

"Like I've been hit by a bus", he grumbled, sitting up against his headboard and cracking open the can which contained his drink, "and I have a migraine".

"That's why it's so dark in here", I muttered more to myself, "is there anything I can do?".

"I have some painkillers in my bathroom", he cocked his head towards it then winced, squeezing his eyes shut, "mierda, top shelf of the cabinet".

"Got it", I jumped up, tripping on something on the floor before making it into the room and flipping on the light once I was inside, trying not to blind my poor brother and make his migraine worse. I retrieved the painkillers and made my way back towards Scott, placing them in his lap and wincing as he blew his nose- it really did sound like a fucking trumpet.

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