Xav & Xander <3

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A/N - it's nearly 4am this time😍

My fav chaotic duo back at it again❤️



If there was one person's company that I could stand for hours some days and not at all on others, it was my twin. Xav had the ability to piss me off beyond belief and then make me laugh thirty seconds later, it was annoying as fuck.

"You're saying you don't want to hang out with me?", he had the audacity to sound offended, even after I'd been glued to his side for days, "have I done something?".

"Yeah, not give me a minute to myself", I muttered, pulling my shirt off and dropping onto my bed with a groan, "what do you wanna do?".

"Is that a yes?", he grinned, sitting beside me, "I knew you loved my company".

"I asked a fucking question", I scrunched up my face, poking him with my bare foot to which he gagged, "I don't love your company, I tolerate it".

"And tolerance in your books is love", he knew me too fucking well, "we literally shared the womb Xan".

"And what a painful nine months those were", I muttered, picking up my phone and reading a text from Jax telling me he was busy today, doing whatever his nerdy self did on the weekends.

"I bet you took up all the room in there", I focused back on my twin after replying to my boyfriend, rolling my eyes and throwing an arm behind my head, "greedy even as a foetus".

"Says the one who eats popcorn like it's keeping him alive", I scoffed, poking him again.

"It is", he said matter of factly, "come on, I'm bored Xan".

"What do I get out of it?", I asked, sitting up and slowly accepting the fact that I was gonna end up leaving the house with him.

"My presence?", he waved a hand at his body as he stood and I rolled my eyes, "that's enough, is it not?".

"Don't flatter yourself", I muttered, standing up and opening my wardrobe, "where are we going?".

"I knew you'd give in", he squealed, hugging me from behind so I stamped on his foot, "you're evil!".

"Don't hug me", I snapped, pulling a black hoodie over my head, "you want anything?". I gestured at the clothes and he hummed, inspecting them all before laughing.

"Anything with colour on?", he asked and I snorted.

"Have you met me?", I closed the wardrobe and grabbed my car keys, "come on".

"Why are you driving?", he asked, rushing after me as I headed downstairs and shoved my feet into my shoes, "where are your socks?".

"Why the fuck do I need socks?", I frowned, "and I'm not sitting in the passenger seat".

"Go and get socks, that's disgusting", he grimaced and I groaned, "I'll wait in the car, chop chop".

I should've stayed in fucking bed.



We all know by now, one of my favourite things to do was skate.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, it's easier than walking, I've probably fallen down the stairs more than I've called on the ice. And because I was picking where we went first, Xan and I had ended up at my rink downtown.

"Do you know the story behind this place?", I grinned at the building, turning back to my twin in the driver's seat.

"I'm sure you're gonna enlighten me", he shut off the engine and faced me.

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