𝚃𝚠𝚘 - 𝙼𝚢 𝚙𝚊𝚜𝚝

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The next morning, when I was discharged, Romessa api brought me to her place even after all the pleading. She had insisted that I at least come home with her for a bit.

We walked into a beautiful cozy house, as I was lead into the sitting room, I sat down while Romessa api headed to the kitchen, looking around there were loads of pictures hanging around the room.

Romessa api came back with a tray of juice and some fruits, "eat up, it's good for you" I nodded and slowly picked up some fruit" "so api, do you live by yourself or?" "Oh silly me, no I've been married for a while, I have a daughter and son and one on the way, they're both out with their father today, so it's just me, you and my little one" I congratulated her, "My timetable got mixed up so I had an unexpected day off today, but I think that as a good thing since I could get to know you" she smiled.

"This is going to sound rude, but why are you so interested in me, like I'm just a random girl who came in as a patient" I said looking at her, her smile kind of faded, "to be honest, I'm not sure myself, there's just something in me I guess, the way you are. why are you like this? You look hurt and betrayed?" I let out a sad chuckle on her response, and then after everything that happened, I broke down.

I finally broke down, letting everything built up in me flow out making myself lighter and emptier and I was kind of glad that someone was here with me.

After my breakdown, I felt better. "Api, can I tell my story?" She slowly nodded. I took a deep breath, I hadn't had the courage to tell my story until now, but now I need to tell someone, to feel lighter for myself. After a long break and long sigh, I started talking, it all started two years ago;

- 2 years ago -

Every year, we would go to England to visit my phupo, and when I mean I dreaded every moment of it, I meant it. It was horrible. But this year something was wrong, Baba hadn't mentioned anything so far this year. I was almost too happy and that's the first danger sign.

After dinner, we were all sitting when baba started speaking, by the look of mama's face, it's not going to be pretty.

"We're going to England", I knew it was too good to be true, "permanently" me and Hiba both stood up in shock. "We will start moving in 2 weeks. "But baba I don't want to move" I said, "neither do I" Hiba agreed with me.

"And why is that?" He was getting mad now, "because we're happy with our life here" "well, I am your father, I know what's best for you, so you will both quietly listen to me" but with the sudden news we both just went to my room.

"Api I don't want to move, and I especially hate phupo, she's so annoying and mean for no reason" Hiba said controlling her tears, "huh, neither do I but we don't have much options. You know when baba is set to do something he does it, whether we like it or not"

- next morning-

We were all having breakfast quietly when baba intruded the silence by speaking, "Hiba, your admission has been put in for your new school in England, and Alaya, you said you were going to do jobs here, search for them there and you can finish your degree there" and before we could say anything he left.

"This isn't fair mama, we're perfectly fine here" "yes beta, but it's your father's decision and it must be good for us. Now girls hurry up or you'll be late for your classes".

After our horrible start to the day, I drove to Hiba's school, she was in her last year of high school. After dropping her I drove to my classes. I was also in my third year of uni, but sadly I have to do my last year in England.

Getting out the car, I went to the administration office to deal with my transfer papers. After talking and sorting out my paper work, I headed to my last class here, with a sigh I went into class. I almost fell when I felt someone catch my arm, "hey, you alright sweetie" it was one of my friends Anna, "sorry Anna, I don't know where my head was" "I can tell, let's sit and then you can tell me what made you look so down". Taking our seats we sat down and explained everything to Anna how I was going to be moving to England soon

"You're moving?" me and Anna both turn to see Alex and Sarah standing there, I slowly nodded yea. "no way, sorry we happened to hear the whole convo" "it's fine at least I won't have to repeat it again" they gave me a little laugh as they sat down behind us, "so when are you moving then" Alex asked this time, "I think I'm moving in two weeks" " oh, and what about uni then?" "well I transferred to the same course in England, as for here, tomorrow is my last day" I informed them, "TOMMOROW!" they all shouted in sync causing others in the class to look at us. 

"guys calm down there are others looking at us" I whispered as I sank in my seat to disappear from the death glares my friends were giving me, "care to explain why we're only finding out right now?" Anna asked and giving me fake death glares, at least I hope they're fake. "Anna, it wasn't my fault, I found out myself yesterday, my dad just made the sudden announcement" they all let out a small sigh. "how did Hiba react?" this time Sarah asked, "she was upset too". Sarah knew Hiba, since whenever I would go with her and would sometimes bring Hiba with me, and it's clear to say that Sarah is closer friends with Hiba then she is with me.

Once our professor came in, we had to stop our conversation here. I was studying international business and marketing since it was always my dream to have my own business one day, but before that I would want to work at any well known international companies, of course once I had inshallah completed my degree. 

Once we had finished classes, I had to leave my friends because of this sudden move I had to run a few errands. I had completed half of them when I got a call from Hiba, "api, can you please pick me up, I'm too tired to take the bus" "okay coming" after picking her up, we ran a few more errands and called it a day.

The night day, I reached class, but none of my friends were there, I texted them asking where they were but they left me on read. Once class finished, I got a text on the friend group chat, it was from Anna,

Anna: waiting outside Me: be there in 5

When I got outside, I saw my friends, they all had divided up into cars, "Alaya, me and Katie will go with in your car if that' fine, I smiled and nodded, and all three of us got it". That night I had spent with my nights with my friends was the best night and one I would always look back to even now, but it surprises me how my perfect life went downhill so fast.

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