𝚃𝚠𝚎𝚕𝚟𝚎 - 𝚖𝚎𝚎𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐

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Alaya - 

I had eaten one of the tablets last night since the pain got worse in the night, which caused me to get up late in the morning, but thankfully, it was a Sunday. I got up in a sitting position in my bed. I checked the time, and it showed *9:48*

Lazily, I got up and went into the bathroom to freshen up, I had missed Fajr, and I would pray for it after Zohar. I pulled in a random set of jumper and made my way downstairs. I was about to enter the kitchen when I heard the smell of food, 'someone's making breakfast?' I asked myself as I entered  the kitchen. I saw Areeba Jaan. She looked at me as I entered the kitchen. "Areeba jaan, how are you here?" "simple dear, Harris sir apologized for his behavior and requested I come back, now I see why" I looked at her in disbelief, "has he had breakfast, yes, he had it a few hours before" "okay, I'll have my breakfast here" she nodded and I sat down at the table as I waited. 

my phone tinged, I looked at the text to see if Atif had texted me:

Atif: Happy Sunday, how are you this beautiful day
Me: AlIvE. What's up with all this energy?
Atif: Nothing, just asking with regards to the meeting.
Me: Well, with regards to meeting, I can do one tomorrow if that suits you at three?
Atif: that works with me too, anything specific I should bring.
ME: rough ideas of the project, I think that's it. I have the rest of the paperwork.
Atif: Okay then, I'll see you then. 

After having a nice breakfast, I stumbled my way to my room to update some paperwork and emails for tomorrow's meeting. I worked on them all evening, reviewing them. When there was a knock on my door. I spared a quick glance at the door to see Harris standing there looking so well built in casual clothes. "Yes?"How's your foot?" "bearable, I can walk now" "that's good, let's go to the hospital just in case" "I don't think that's necessary" "I'll be waiting in the car" and he just turned and left.

I quickly put on my hijab and gabbed my phone, slowly making my way downstairs. When I got to the driveway, he was leaning on the car waiting. I approached the car, and he opened the door for me to sit inside. He came from the other side and started the car. 

None of us were talking until he broke the silence first, "You're car will be here tonight." "My own car?" "yea. " That was the last thing, he said as he continued driving in silence. I stayed quiet, too. 

Once we got to the hospital, Harris helped me walk into the hospital where he asked for his doctor. We were told to go into the last room at the end of the corridor. I sat on the patient's bed while Harris stood beside me, but none of us were talking to each other.

Soon, a young looking doctor entered the room, "Hello, I'm doctor Max, How can I help today?" He asked, looking at me. "I hurt my foot yesterday, and it is hard to walk in, also it's really painful" I told him, "right, let's have a look" he started looking at the cut, "the cut isn't that deep, but it will need some stiches " he said looking up at me, "but don't worry, it'll heal soon" I slowly nodded at the thought of stiches. I was still thinking about the stiches when Harris intertwined his hand with me. When I looked up at him, he was looking away. 

The doctor started stitching my cut, and every time, I would squeeze his hand. Soon, they were done. After the doctor was done, he prescribed me some pain killers, when we were about to leave, the doctor stopped us, "Are you guys dating? " he asked, looking at me, "happily married actually, " Harris said in a rude way and said goodbye to the doctor. He continued holding my hand all the way to the car. 

"why did you say happily married, you aren't happily married with me" "Alaya, I don't want to argue right now" I huffed out a sigh and looked out the window the whole way from the hospital back home.  As soon as we got home, I made my way to my room. "Who does he think he is? He can argue whenever he wants and says whatever he wants. This man flips faster than a page" 

I locked my room and went to finish making the contract and work documents for tomorrow's meeting. I was working for so long that I ended up falling asleep. I was sleeping when I felt a hand on my face, 'what the hell'

I slowly opened my eyes to see Harris sitting beside me. In the shock, I got up, causing him to move back, and I ended up hitting my foot on the wall. "Ouch," "What is your problem?" "I should ask you that. Why are you here?"I was making sure you weren't dead." "well unfortunately you, I'm not."  He rolled his eyes at my response and went to pick up something from my desk. He came back with a tray of food, he placed in front of me on the bed, " you missed dinner" "thanks I guess" I looked at the pasta, it looked delicious, I took my first bite and it was really tasty, I wanted to enjoy my food but I was getting weird looks from someone who was still standing in my room. "Um, do you want something?" "huh- no" "okay, you can go then" "Miss Alaya, don't forget this is my house, I can go anywhere in this house and you can't stop me" "right" I went back to eating and soon he left, I wonder what his problem was. 

The next day -

I woke up at half 8 since I had my meeting at half 10. I had just come out of the shower when I heard something drop in my room. I looked to see Harris looking right at me, I looked down to realize I was only wearing a t-shirt. "eyes here" I said making him looking back up at me, "i- um- your car keys" "omg really" "yea, it's parked outside" I ran to my window and peeked down at the drive way, it was a black Mercedes Benz. I ran up to Harris, "Thank you so much," I said, hugging him in excitement, I was so excited in the moment that I didn't notice that I was hugging him. When I did, I immediately moved back from him. "sorry I got excited" "no problem, I was just headed to work and wanted to let you know" I smiled, "thank you, I'll pay you back soon" I said, I looked through the mirror, it looked like he wanted to say something, but before that he just turned on his heel and left. 

I had finished getting ready. I went for a navy and black suit and matched with a black hijab, I went for black sneakers since my wound would hurt if I wore heels. I got my bags and files and headed to my new car. 

I started driving my car, it was nice to drive again, before I got married I would mostly take the bus since the mama baba had there own cars they would mostly use. I drove to the café we had decided to meet up for the mock-up plans.

When I got there, he was already there. "You're here early. We still have 10 minutes since our meeting time." "we'll you're here too." "touché" we both laughed. "This was a rough project I was able to get." I reviewed the project and it was good, and the budget and time were suitable too, "I think I'll be able to work on this project, I just need you to sign these, these just say you have to be give me at least a month notice if you want to cancel my work, there will also a cancelling fee. Since the project is the longest time period project I'm going to do, I also have some rules for myself that I'll be signing and you will get the copy too" "what kind of rules for you?" "well I can't drop the project until absolutely needed I will do my fullest and best work" "good, we would just like is you work at our company, this project is really big and important to us and we have a lot of people who want to leak this project" "no problem, when can we start" "I talked to the CEO, he's okay with tomorrow" "great, text me the address, I'll be there at 9" "okay see you" 

Harris - 

I was working in my office when the sudden thought of her came up, the way she was enjoying her dinner last night, and she hugged me so happily about the car, I was smiling at the thought of her when there was a knock on my door, "aww, you're smiling, were you thinking about me" Maria asked as she as she sat on my desk. "How are you here?" I asked her, smiling, "Well, I missed you." "I missed you too," we were talking when my phone rang. "Hi Atif" "good news, Miss Sheikh agreed to work on the project" "great, did you tell her to start working tomorrow" "yea, she'll start at 9, I'll be at the office in half an hour to submit the rough file and documents in" "okay cool" and soon we ended the call.

"what was that baby" she asked as she played with my hair, "we recruited a business manager for the big project" "oh that project, I heard dad talking about it, isn't it really big or something" "yea it is" "oh tell me more" "it's still in progress, you'll find out when it's launched, then maybe I'll propose to you" "really" she gasped in surprise as I kissed her. "Babe, let's carry this on somewhere else," 

She ended up bringing me to a bar, and we both spent the whole night drinking and in each other's embrace. Enjoying our time. 


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