𝚃𝚑𝚒𝚛𝚝𝚢- 𝚘𝚗𝚎

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- Alaya -

"Api, calm down. It's been 2 days since it happened, I'm much better now. Samia, tell her I had complete rest and had my meds on time." I whined. As Romessa Api continued to check my temperature, she'll end up giving me a whole general checkup plus blood tests soon. Samia just stood in the corner, holding her laugh. She was enjoying this too much.

"Alaya, I've told you many times you have to take care of yourself, but you have ended up in hospital." I giggled under my breath, ahe treated me as if I'm a child. "Somerimes, I think I'm a mother to 4, not 3" she said, giving me a fake glare. At least I hope it's fake.

As she continued talking, there was a knock on the door of the study, Shehryar bhai asked before coming in. "Romessa, you haven't gone with the girls yet?" Me and Smaia looked at each other in confusion. "Gone where?" I asked.  "Well, we thought last night, since the dinner is tomorrow night, why not go shopping today?" She asked. "That's sweet api, but I'm good, Smaia could go," "Not without you, darling. Romessa api, she'll be coming. " I looked at Samia, who just stuck her tongue out at me.

Samia had managed to bring me out shopping, I'm not saying I hate shopping, I enjoy it. But nowadays, I would rather just sit in my room and not do anything at all. I had already planned a dress for dinner tomorrow, but it still needs some finishing touches. I'm sure I could have it done by tonight. I decided to cheer up and get the other matching accessories I could wear with my outfit tomorrow.

We stopped by many shops, and we managed to find beautiful dresses for both Romessa api and Samia. I managed to find matching accessories for my outfit.

It was half 2, and we were done early when my phone rang. It was Shehryar bhai, "Aslamoalkuim bhai, everything okay?" "Walikumslam chotto, everything's fine. I was wondering if you could pop into the office if you're free right now? Some of the managers and CEOs wanted to meet you." "Me? Why?" "Well, since you are also a host for the event and have coincidentally missed all the meetings. They have different opinions on you. They're all in office right now. So?" "Got it bhai, ill be there in 20 minutes."

I quickly excused myself from api and Samia and drove over to the company in my car. As I entered the building, I saw Suzy pacing around. As soon as she saw me, her face lightened. "Good to see you Alaya" "I see you were waiting." "It's better if i come with you." I agreed with her, I felt nervous meeting everyone. We stopped outside the door of the meeting room. "Good luck! You'll do great," she said as she stood at the corner, I pointed at the door, and she pointed back, replying that she won't be going in.

Taking a deep breath, I opened the door to see all eyes on me. I greeted everyone and placed the cupcakes I had gotten on my way on the table for everyone to take. "Nice to meet everyone, I'm Alaya, CEO of Aya," I said. Shehryar bhai came and told me to sit down as he would continue with the agenda. I looked around the room and found an empty seat. As I approached the seat, I was shocked to see how it was. He was still there, he hadn't noticed me yet, he sat there all attractive as ever.

Ms. Williams looked my way, "is something wrong dear?" She asked, taking everyone's attention, including his. Everyone looked at me, I quietly denied and sat down. I told myself I just had to sit through this just for a while, I could go through it, but throughout the meeting, I kept feeling stared behind me. I had to act natural since Ms. Williams kept looking back at me, and I had to smile back.

I tried focusing on the presentation, but my focus was on anything but that. After a while, they were wrapping up. 'Thank Allah, we're done,' I was about to get up when Shehryar bhai stopped me. "Alaya, could you wait back?" I quietly nodded and sat back on my seat. I felt him still sitting there, 'why wasn't he living?' I kept thinking. We were the only ones left in the room.

"Alaya, this is Harris Ali, CEO of Ali Corporation. Harris, this is Alaya Sheikh, CEO of Aya. " Shehryar bhai introduced us to each other. I should have told bhai that this is the guy I tan away from 2 years ago, but then again, I didn't tell him the whole story, Romessa api knew all of it.

I pretended to play dumb and act. "Nice to meet you," I kindly said. "Pleasure is all mine," he said softly. Shehryar bhai turned to me. "Aya, Mr. Ali has been taking quite some interest in your work, and he even wants to work it you." He said excitedly. I looked back to him, who held a hopeful look. "I'll have a think about it. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'll be on my way." I got up and left the meeting room.

I had gotten into the elevator when someone rushed in beside me. Gosh, it was the last person I wanted to see right now. "Alaya, i know you don't want to talk to me right now, but please talk to me." I didn't react, or at least I didn't let him know that I was affected by any means. "I know i was horrible, and I was a jerk to you, but please talk to me, I'll -" Before he could continue, the elevator opened. I exited first. He kept saying something, but I had to ignore it and get home.

As he kept calling out to me. I completely ignored him and got in my car. Before he could, I sped off  home. When I got home, Samia was staying over. "Everything okay? you look like you've seen a ghost." She asked, looking at me concerned. "He's here," I managed to say. "Who's here?" She asked, looking around. "Samia, Harris is in Germany. Here in this city." I said and looked at her shocked face. "And you met him?" "Yes, he's a part of the business event."

"Listen, Aya, you're going to ignore him, act all happy around him, make him feel that you're happier without him, and you don't need him anymore." I looked up to her, listening to what she's saying. "He treated you horribly,  and you can't forget that and forgive him. It's something stupid men in our culture do. But we can't let them do what they want to." I nodded, agreeing to what she's saying. "Now, smile. You're much better and stronger than he is. You don't need him. He needs you, and he needs to regret the days he treated you horribly." I hugged Samia, I was so happy I had someone right now.

"Now, let's have some dinner and head to bed." We both got up getting things for dinner. It was nice not being alone right now, I was happy Samia was here. Otherwise, I would be a ball on my bed.

- °•○•° -
The next day arrived really soon. Today was the dinner. For some reason, I felt nervous, maybe because this was the first time I'm going to be at an international business event. But something did feel weird today, I tried to think positive and get through the day.

I got up to make breakfast, since today Samia wanted some pancakes, and I, too, was craving some. I had just finished making them and called Samia, when a sharp pain hit my lower stomach, causing me to whince in pain. "Are you okay?" Samia asked, holding my arm. "I think I'll survive." I said in pain. "Is it...?" She asked, looking at me, "Yup," I said, sitting down. I nodded with me, understanding my pain. "Want me to get you something?" "I think I'll skip breakfast and lay down a bit." I suggested. "Good idea, but just make sure to eat something." I nodded and got myself a hot water bottle to help with my cramps. I headed to my bedroom and had some painkillers before lying in. Days I had my periods were the worst, but alas, I'll have to go through it, I sighed

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