𝙽𝚒𝚗𝚎𝚝𝚎𝚎𝚗 - 𝚑𝚎𝚛

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Aslamoalkuim everyone
How is everyone?


- Alaya -
Days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months. He kept going out every day, and on the weekends, he wouldn't be home at all.

After praying Fajr, I couldn't fall back to sleep, so I decided to work a bit and then go for a walk. I went for a comfortable outfit, a long dress, and threw a flannel on top.

I spent almost two hours working, these days all my work goes in vain, since all my work is not good enough for Harris. I also noticed how his behavior has changed with me so quickly, and I'm surprised he's the same guy who can cause me to blush any time we make eye contact, but to him. Emotionless.

I decided that I had done enough work, and I headed downstairs to make myself breakfast. I went for simple toast and cereal since I'm too lazy to make myself something else.

Once, I was done washing the dishes. I picked up my phone, a book, and put my other belongings in my bag and put on my shoes, and made my way out.

- °•○•°-
It had been a while since I last went out myself. It was peaceful, and I surely missed it. After walking in the park for a while, I headed over to my favorite book shop. It was a cozy little shop and absolutely loved it. Obviously, as a responsible adult, I can't spend all my money on books, so I ended up buying a book that was on the top of my tbr for a while.

I then spent most of my afternoon and evening reading in a little book Café. I hadn't realized it had gotten late until the fricken owner came up to me and told me they were closing soon.

After leaving the Café, I walked over to the bus stop to get a bus home since it was cold and dark, and I would rather get home a bit quicker. 'I really need to buy a car sooner, thought to myself. Soon, I got off the bus and made my way towards the house.

I walked to the house when I noticed Harris's car was outside, 'was he finally home?' I had gotten my hopes up. I excitedly opened the door and walked in. I walked intot he living room and saw a scene that made my breakfast and coffee want to appear again.

I stood at the entrance of the living room as I saw Maria and Harris. Their bodies practically glided and eating each other out. They were so busy with themselves that they hadn't even realized I had walked in.

I was frozen, paralyzed, I wanted to get out of here, bit something in me felt sad and betrayed. I thought me and Harris had started a bond, we were slowly getting along, and I was insane enough to start liking him, to falling for him.

"Oh, it's just you," Maria said in her usual annoying voice. I huffed out and was making my way out of their when Harris stopped me by calling out to me. "Maria will spend most of her time here now. So if she wants something, get her it. Got it, " he said in a cocky voice.

"I rather punch her and serve it to you," I whisper under my breath, and fortunately, they hear me enough to be taken back. "Did you understand me?" "No, I did not." I was turning around to leave when he grabbed my neck from the ba, k causing me to stop. He roughly pushed me around, facing him again. This ti, I heldng my jaw harshly. "You will listen to her or else you pay for it," he said harshly, looking straight into my eyes filled with hatred. Saying that, he pushed my aside, making me fall on the ground. Both of them didn't spare me a glance, and both left upstairs.

I managed to get up, I wasn't hurt from the pushing and falling, but from the man I had decided to like. This is my fault, I shouldn't have listened to him to the start when he said he didn't like me. What did I expect from him? To like me?

I got up and slowly made my way to my room. I slowly opened the door and entered the dark room. I closed the room, and as I locked it, I took off my hijab and made my way to the bathroom.

I looked myself in the mirror, my jaw and neck had a slightly red bruise, and I got cut on my lip from when I fell. I was still looking at myself in the mirror, it was funny, the woman now she saw in the mirror was a woman whose glow had faded with the passing time, she thought to herself.

I couldn't bear to see the mirror anymore, I quickly washed up and went back into my room to pray Isha before I go to bed.

The next day, I woke up with a pounding headache. I couldn't fall asleep. Every emotion in me was awake.

I got up and read Fajr. I was reading the Quran when my phone rang. I ignored the start, but once I finished reading the Quran, I got up and looked who it was. I picked up my phone and clicked on the text. This is weird.

Unknown: Be careful of her

And that was it, one text, that too from an unknown number and telling me to be careful of someone. I was going to block the number when curiosity got the better of me.

Me: Who's 'her' and why should I be careful of her?

Looking at the text I just sent, my head was now filled with a few questions, who's her, who's the person who sent this to me and why are they telling me to be careful?

I put my phone away and made my way downstairs since I was getting hungry. It was 9 in the morning on a Sunday.

I was finishing making breakfast when someone walked into the kitchen. "Make some for me and Harris too" I internally cringed at her voice. I turned to give her an answer, but once I saw her practically naked, I turned back around with the speed of light.

"You can do it yourself, I'm not your maid," I said, not given her even my glance. I turned around to pick up the plates with breakfast I had made for myself, but I suddenly felt something hot drip on my forearm. Maria stood beside me now, holding a cup of boiling water, and with a satisfied smile. I looked at my arm. It was burned, and the pain suddenly hit like pins stabbing every bit of it.

I didn't know what to do, and so I wanted to get out of here. I quickly ran out of the kitchen and tried to get to my room. I was running past the rooms when Harris stepped out of his room and straight into me. He looked at me as I tried to make sure my eyes wouldn't start to give up on me. I wasn't going to cry in front of him any time soon.

His face softened? Looking at my face, my eyes were stinging as well as my arm, the just burned. Before he could say anything, I quickly pushed past him and ran into my room. Before doing anything, I made sure I locked the door. I walked into the bathroom and ran my hand under cold water.

Once I turned off the tap, I looked at my arm. It was still really red and looked like blisters could form. I had seen a first aid kit under the bathroom sink. I opened it up and found some bandages. There was no cream I could apply, so I just bandaged it.

For the rest of the day, I stayed in my room, I wasn't going to face any of them for today,  I would end up bursting on them. I was so grateful when I saw them leave the house near dinner. Maybe they're having dinner out, better for me. I wasn't ready to see them for a while. I would probably end up pulling that witches hair.

Tomorrow was Monday. I decided to get an early sleep since I was already exhausted from today.
Praying Isha, I prayed that this situation would get better for me. I went to bed, wondering what the next day could bring me.

What do you guys think will happen next?

And let me know how you find the story so far.

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