Chapter 1 ~ Worrying Celebrations

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"Dot, Sofia where are you guys," Evangeline called out as she carried the gift bags in her hands that she had got for Clary into the apartment.

"We are in here Evangeline," Dot calls out walking out with a gift bag in one of her arms and Sofia in her other arm.

Sofia giggles and laughs seeing her mother making Evangeline smile and chuckle as she puts the bags on the counter before grabbing Sofia from Dot.

"Hi my little Princess," she says as Sofia babbles before turning to Dot seeing Clary's gift in her hand "Clary's gift,"

Dot nods before looking at the  many gift bags on the counter that were once in Evangeline's hands

"Her many gifts from you" she asks and Evangeline chuckles and nods before looking around.

"Clary not here yet," Evangeline asks

"No not yet," Dot says "but Jocelyn is inside if you want to talk to her, she's really worried ."

Evangeline nods to dot and heads inside with Sofia babbling about in her arms. 

"Jocelyn," Evangeline calls out

"I'm in here Evangeline," Jocelyn says making Evangeline walk over to Jocelyn and they hug

"How are you, Jocelyn," Evangeline asks

"I'm all right," Jocelyn says but sighs when Evangeline gives a look "I'm a bit worried."

"She will be fine Jocelyn," Evangeline says "I will be with her tonight and no harm will come to her. You have my word."

"I know Evangeline," Jocelyn says "but I can't help it."

"It's reasonable, your Clary's mother. You want well for her," Evangeline says "just like I would for Sofia."

Jocelyn smiles before kissing Sofia on her forehead 

"Joseph would be really proud of you," Jocelyn says which makes Evangeline give a sad smile as Jocelyn looks at a notification on her phone and smiles.

"She got in," Jocelyn says and Evangeline can't help but smile too.

She was happy that her niece got into the art academy but Evangeline was worried if Clary would be able to survive the night without any problems.

"Mom, Aunt Evangeline," Clary calls out

"You did it," Evangeline and Jocelyn say coming into the room 

"You also follow Simon," Clary asks to Jocelyn hugging her before looking to  Evangeline "and mom probably told you all ready"

"Well Simon does only has 92 followers, he needs 3 tweets and some more likes," Evangeline says "Congratulations"

"Thank you," Clary says "Hashtag stalker mom, and crazy aunt,"

Evangeline chuckles as Clary kisses Sofia on the cheek . Jocelyn hands Clary her gift which was the stele that Jocelyn and Evangeline agreed to give her today now that Clary was 18.  

"Happy birthday," Jocelyn say and she knows that Jocelyn was giving Clary her stele. "It's called a stele"

"What is it like a paper wave," Clary asks

"No, it's much more than that," Evangeline says

"Evangeline's right Clary," Jocelyn says "it's very ancient. I want you too have it. It's a family heirloom."

"We Frays have a family heirloom," Clary asks

"A few," Jocelyn says

"I have one too and Joseph did too," Evangeline says taking out her and Joseph's steles and showing it to Clary who's mouth dropped

"Their both beautiful," Clary says before looking down to her stele "but you know it's weird, I drew something like this, this morning."

Evangeline and Jocelyn looked at each other before looking to Clary who was looking at her stele

"Must have seen it around the house somewhere," Clary says

"I need too..." Jocelyn starts to say but stops when Clary's phone rings and she takes it out.

"Simon, he's on his way," Clary says

"What we need to talk," Jocelyn says

"I can't, I got to change, I'm going out tonight," Clary says

"What," Jocelyn says

"Yeah Simon and Maureen are taking me out later tonight," Clary says before looking to Evangeline "you and Sofia are coming with us, right"

Evangeline nods as Jocelyn stills tries to change Clary's mind.

"It's your 18th birthday and everything's going to change for you now." Jocelyn says

"We've had the talk," Clary says "we're good."

Clary starts to leave but Jocelyn grabs her arm.

"We need to have a much different and more important talk," Jocelyn says

"And we will but can it be over breakfast. I love you," Clary says before taking Evangeline's hand and taking her to her room to get ready. 

As Clary heads to her room to get ready, Evangeline goes to her and Sofias room to get ready. She couldn't help but feel worry build up in her chest, that something was going to end up going wrong tonight, so she did what she thought was smart and packed a suitcase with some of her stuff and some of Sofias stuff if everything went wrong tonight. She also kept a suitcase full of Joseph's stuff with her stuff so that she had a reminder of him.

Evangeline took the bag and put it in a closet outside of her room so that she could grab it if she has to leave in a hurry. 

Evangeline went back to her and Sofias room seeing it empty before sighing and heading downstairs to see Luke, Clary, Jocelyn and Simon. Luke smiles when he sees Evangeline and Sofia.

Luke walks over gives Sofia a kiss which makes her giggle as Evangeline smiles.

"Ready to go," Clary asks gaining Evangeline's attention to her. 

Evangeline nods as she, Clary, Sofia and Simon head for Simons gig. Evangeline could only hope that everything would go find tonight. 

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