Chapter 26 ~ Goodbyes Hurt The Most

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"How'd it go with Aldertree," Evangeline asks Magnus who was holding Sofia when they all except Chris, Laura and Nick get back to the Institute.

Jace had been taken down to the dungeons while everything else was being handled upstairs. Evangeline was shocked when she heard that Magnus threw Raj which is getting him in trouble with Aldertree.

"Well, the man didn't disappoint," Magnus says "in his own charming inimitable way he informed me that I will indeed be punished but the form of punishment is yet to be decided."

"All for trying to save mine and Alec's life," Evangeline says as she and Magus stop walking, hearing Evangeline made Magnus smile "you know, Jace May have been the one who pulled Alec and I out but I felt you there beside me with the others and it made a difference, so thank you"

"Thank you for not dying on me," he says pushing hair from her face "how is Jace"

"He won't be gone long," Evangeline says "once his hand touches the soul sword  the truth will come out and prove that he was never on Valentines side."

Evangeline sighs before looking around 

"Look, um, I know that with everything going on, I...we haven't had a chance too.." Evangeline stammers and says which makes Magnus chuckle

"Go on that first date we never had," Magnus asks 

"Yeah," Evangeline says 

"Well, we could always do home made for you and this sunshine," Magnus says bouncing Sofia who starts giggling as Evangeline smiles

"Yeah, that sounds amazing," Evangeline says 

"Hey Evangeline," Raj says from behind her and  Magnus causing the pair to turn. "Demons briefing in the OP Center, all hands on deck,"

"My dear look well," Magnus says as Raj walks away with Evangeline giving Magnus a sorry look "Rain check on dinner plans"

"Your amazing," she says taking Sofia from Magnus as he gives a kiss on the forehead to both of his girls.

"I'll see you both later," Magnus says as Evangeline nods before heading to the Center.

Sofia was the one reason why Evangeline got primitied in not going out for the demon attacks but it didn't mean she was supposed to just relax not when it came clear that the demon was in the institute. 

Evangeline wouldn't let her daughter get hurt so she told Chris to take her and head to Magnus's and that she would come when the time comes. He didn't want to but he agreed and headed out as Lydia and John paired up, Nick and Laura, Isabelle & Clary then Alec, Derek and Evangeline. 

What nobody expected was when Clary went to call Simon but found Derek in the hall outside a room. 

"Derek, Derek," Clary called as Alec and Jocelyn ran over.

"Derek," Alec says touching his face and seeing the blood on his hands 

"What did I do," Derek says which causes Alec, Jocelyn, and Clary to go into the room and gasp in shock when they saw Evangeline with a hole in the heart.

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