Chapter 17 ~ My Mind/My Way & The Proposal

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When the group returned back to the institute, Alexander, Nick and Lydia headed to the morgue while Evangeline went to work out. She was beyond pissed to find out that her parents were ex circle members but what confused her more was why Valentine was going after her. Why was she important to him? Was it something her parents had did?

She stops working out when she sees Magnus 

"Magnus," she says facing the warlock who doesn't say anything at first because he was just staring at her.

"Okay I'm back," he says smiling as Evangeline goes to get her sweatshirt putting it on making the warlock frown "oh, you don't have to get dressed up for me. Fine, but I like what I saw. I have the preliminary autopsy findings,"

"Why are you giving this to me," she asks as Magnus hands her the file "This should go to the head of the Institute"

"Which it did," he says "but I thought you would like to see these for yourself"

"Oh uh thank you," she says putting the file on the bench as Magnus looks at her worried 

"Is everything all right," he asks 

"I'm not sure," she says "all my life I tried to be a perfect daughter to my parents only to find out they aren't the parents I thought they were now. I feel as if my entire life has been a lie except for the 6 years I left the institute and got married making my own life. I was still a part of the supernatural world but it was nothing like this and now i don't know what to do to keep my daughter safe and my siblings safe"

"Maybe you shouldn't worry about your siblings but worry for Sofia and start living for yourself," Magnus suggest walking closer to Evangeline "Do what's in your heart"

"I think you're right," Evangeline says smiling before heading to her parents study 

"Evangeline is everything all right," Robert asks 

"Is it true," Evangeline says looking to her parents "are you both trying to find someone for Alec to marry and for me to marry again. Are you really doing this behind my back," 

"Evang..." Maryse starts to say but Evangeline cuts her off 

"No, you don't get to talk," she says looking to her father "How could you do this? Try and find someone for me to marry without even discussing it with me. Do you really believe I would ever agree to marry someone like this who may not even care for my daughter who you have forgot I have after my past marriage." 

"Evangeline it's what's best for our family," Robert says standing up "You must understand with everything that has been happening with your return, this is our chance to redeem the Lockwood name. If you and Alec were to each marry someone from well respected families, it would help us with the Clave. It could convince them to see past everything else to listen to us." 

"So I've been back for a week and you've both already found ways to use me for your advantage knowing that I'm a widow, and I'm a mother to an almost year old baby girl" Evangeline says pissed off "If you both think I'll let you play with mine and Alec's lives your wrong"

Evangeline walks out of her parents study ignoring their pleads as she heads to Nick who was playing with Sofia

"Evangeline what's wrong," Nick asks 

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