Chapter 3 ~ Some Unrevealed Truths

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Back at home, Clary was trying to tell Jocelyn about what happened. Evangeline was worried now what would happen now that Clary saw all this.

"And then these creepy tentacles came out of the body builders face and... and the guy just...vaporized. I mean, I was drugged, right?" She says scared "And and Evangeline was fighting these things as if they were nothing."

Joceyln looked at Evangeline and Evangeline nodded signalling to her that she was okay before Joceyln turned back to Clary.

"What did the markings look like on the blond boy you were talking about," Jocelyn asks Clary

"Who cares mom okay, are you even listening to me. I think Evangeline and I killed a load of guys," she says 

"Clary did they look like this," Jocelyn says as she rolls up her sleeve and takes a stele of her own out of her pocket.

She runs it over her arm and a rune appears.

"Mom what the" Clary says shocked

"Everything you saw tonight has a meaning and an explanation, and I've dreaded having this conversation with you since the day you were born," she says "I was ment to have this conversation with you, Evangeline and Joseph but Joseph's not here anymore to help you and Evangeline's the only one who can"

"Help me? What is going on? Are I going insane?" Clary says

"No you're not, your eighteen now and Evangeline's powers are growing very strong that the protection is wearing off on you both" Jocelyn says sadly to Evangeline and Clary

This shocked Evangeline, what protection was she under.

"Protections? What does that mean? mom you're scaring the hell out of us," Clary says as she sees the shocked and worried look on Evangeline's face

"I know and that's why we had to put this off until the last possible minute," Jocelyn says

"Jocelyn, look out of the window. Magnus called to warn us. They found you," Evangeline hears Dot say as Jocelyn jogs over to the window

"Dot it's time," Jocelyn says as Clary comes and hugs me.

"I'm going to protect you all right," Evangeline whispers to her as Clary nods

"Okay listen to me, you both can't be near me," Jocelyn says to Clary and Evangeline

"What's happening," Evangeline asks scared holding Clary and Sofia

"I got a very powerful person angry," Jocelyn say which scares Clary and Evangeline even more

"What did you do," Clary asks

"I hide something from him and his followers," Jocelyn says to us

"Followers? No, why can't we just call the police," Clary questioned.

"The policemen you need to call is Luke. Keep this with you and think of me when you wear it," she says as she gives clary a necklace with a purple rock

"Mom this is not time for more birthday gifts. What the hell is happening,"Clary ask as Dot walks over with some liquid

"Only if you need it," she says

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