Chapter 13 ~ Finding & Seeing Werwolves Fight

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After Clary and Simon had been dragged into the car and, Evangeline, Sofia and Alexander headed back into the house waiting for Jace and Isabelle.

"Where is she? Where's clary," Jace asks

"She's gone," Alexander says

"What do you mean gone," Isabelle says

"She and Simon got arrested while Alec was securing the fire escape and I was looking around," Evangeline says

"I got distracted," Alexander mutters

"The mundane was here," Jace says pissed

"Simon, he's gone too," Isabelle says and Evangeline nods

"It was an unmarked car, I don't know where they took her," Alexander says

"What did you do Alec," Jace says as he heads out of the room, then Isabelle, followed by Alec, Sofia and Evangeline.

"Damn it," Jace swore as the group stood in the alley way trying to track down Clary with some paper of hers. "She's not showing up. We need to parabatai track,"

Evangeline watches Jace and Alec try to track her down with Parabati tracking but it wasn't much of success.

"Alec concentrate," Jace says "Alec"

"I'm doing it, she's not showing up," Alexander insisted

"Just like I thought, she wasn't arrested," Isabelle says looking at her phone then to the group

"It was your job to look after her," Jace glared

"I did my best Jace," Alexander says

"Then maybe your mother was right, and your best just isn't good enough," Jace spats out

"Jace," Isabelle yells

Evangeline glares at Jace and he starts to scream in pain before he stops and they all look to a pissed off Evangeline. They were shocked she was the one who caused the pain.

"Learn to respect those who are important to you Jace. Alec tried his best. Clary was the one who snuck out, Alec went to protect her. He did everything he could and what's gotten you all pissed off huh, Clary's my niece and you don't see me all worried and beating Alec up who are you to her huh," Evangeline spats out as Jace frowns

He had never had Evangeline yell at her before and now she was because of how he was acting.

"Now instead of being 2 year old, let me try to track her okay. I'm stronger then both of you and I can track her faster," Evangeline says taking the paper from them, keeping it in her hands and closing her eyes tracking Clary to Jade Wolf Chinese Restaurant where Evangeline knew belonged to Werwolves "Got her, she's at the Jade Wolf Chinese Restaurant on the pier at Greene Street but be careful there are werewolves, let's go,"

Isabelle, Alexander and Jace look to each before following after Evangeline to the pier. Evangeline saw the backpack on the floor that had something in it so she took it keeping it on.

Jace, and Alec went to get Clary as Isabelle and Evangeline went to get Simon

"Simon," Evangeline says hugging him

"Evangeline," he says hugging her back

"Thank god your okay," she says "come on let's go"

They head to the others.

"Simon, Evangeline," Clary says running over

"Clary," they both say hugging her

"Are you okay," Simon asks

"I was so worried," Clary says ignoring his question

"I hate to break up this little reunion but we got a bunch of werwolves trying to kill us so maybe we should get going," Jace says

"Wait, wait the box," Clary says looking to Evangeline and Alexander "My backpack, I think I left it at the loft,"

"No we've got it," Evangeline says

"Let's get out of here then," Simon suggests as he starts to leave but is stopped by Evangeline

"Whatever you do, do not make any fast movements," she says as werwolves start to surround the group

"We're surrounded," Alexander says " Everyone stay together,"

"Believe me I'm not going anywhere," Simon says

"Everyone get back, that's the alpha leader," Jace says as another wolf comes out from the restaurant

"Jace behind," Clary warned as another wolf jumped over the group and heads to the alpha and begins fighting him.

"He's challenging the alpha," Evangeline says remembering her past in Beacon Hills "He's helping us,"

"Or cutting in line to kill us," Simon says as stacks of boxes toppled over revealing a dead man

"The alphas dead," Isabelle says as Evangeline looks to Luke who was hurt

"Oh my god Luke," She calls out running over to him and helping him as the wolfs howled and kneeled down to where they stood showing respect

"What? What is it? What's happening," Clary asks looking around

"When a werewolf kills the alpha leader, he becomes the new alpha," Evangeline says remembering how Derek had killed Peter and became the alpha. "Luke's the leader of the pack now,"

"Clary, Evangeline," Luke says looking to the girls

Clary tries to go to him but doesn't as Jace stops her while Evangeline takes her hand in his

"I'm right here Luke, I'm right here," she says

"I promised Jocelyn I'd always protect you both," he says collapsing

"Luke Luke," Evangeline calls out taking his head into her lap as Isabelle grabbed Sofia.

"Can you take away his pain," Clary asks

"I can do some but not all," Evangeline says

"Why not," Jace questions

"Because Luke isn't my Alpha or the type of wolf I've dealt with," she says surprising the group as she looks to Luke "his wounds are deep, only warlocks magic can cure an alphas bite like this,"

"We have to get him to Magnus," Clary says in panic

Evangeline stands up and using all her strength she lifted Luke to his feet.

"Hang in there Luke, hang on," Evangeline says as they head to Magnus. "Just please don't leave us again,"

Evangeline looked to Clary who nodded and grabbed Sofia from Isabelle before going back with the group to Magnus.

Evangeline saw the hurt look on Isabelle and Alexander's face but she couldn't care right now. She needed to help save Luke.

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