Chapter 15 ~ Drinks, The Mortal Cup, Father Dearest & Vampire Transition

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As Clary was talking to Luke, Evangeline got a towel and started scrubbing the blood out of the couch.

"You know I have magic for that, right and so do you," Magnus says making Evangeline look up to him.

"It's the mundane way, besides I think we've both extorted ourselves for one day," she says

"Drink break," he says making Evangeline chuckle as she got up and walked over as he gave Evangeline her glass "To us,"

"Why'd you make me stay," Evangeline asks "I know what you said was a lie, so why not have have Jace, or Alec stay or even Clary since she was here,"

"It doesn't matter," Magnus says walking over to Sofias crib to watch the baby sleep

"Are Warlocks always this cryptic," Evangeline says curiously to herself. 

"I'm not being cryptic, I'm being coy," Magnus says as he faces Evangeline "Let me spell it out for you. I wanted to see you again, preferably longer than the ten minutes it took to drop Luke off."

"Why," Evangeline asks

"Why'd you stay," he asks

"I'm not sure," she admits looking away

"For almost a century...I've closed myself off to feeling anything for anyone man or woman." Magnus says "You've unlocked something in me,"

Evangeline looked at Magnus and was a bit shocked hearing this when her phone rang and she looked to see it was Izzy telling her that their father and Max was home, She put the phone away and looked to Magnus

"Not gonna answer it," Magnus says "Family problems"

Evangeline chuckles and nods as they hear Sofia start to babble. They both smiled going over to her and smiling

"Family problems, I left 5 years ago for a life that was taken away from me and while I lost one part of me, I gained another part of me as well," Evangeline says

"Sofias lucky to have you as a mom," Magnus says

"And I'm lucky to have her," Evangeline says kissing her daughters forehead.

Magnus looks at Evangeline smiling as the pair looked outside just enjoying each other's presence.

Later that evening, Clary explained how the tarots card are what had the mortal cup and it was decided that Clary, Jace and Luke would go in the morning to find them. They would call Isabelle & Alexander if they needed help.

Evangeline, after staying the night at Magnus's went back to the institute the next day not wanting to face anyone only to end up coming face to face with Isabelle who was dressed very different.

"You do not dress like this, only I do and even then I stopped after getting married," Evangeline says which makes Izzy chuckle

"Trying something new, slept at Magnus's place," she asks

"There wasn't much sleeping," Evangeline says before her eyes widen realizing how it sounded "I was helping treat Luke's wounds. Nothing else happened,"

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