Chapter 10 ~ The Down World Rave

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"Alec and Izzy are checking the perimeter," Jace says as Evangeline and Clary were outside of the club

"Are you sure this is a good idea, last time we were here, this place was crawling with vampires," Clary says

"Relax all downworlders hang out here," Jace says "we just came on Vampire night,"

"Right," Clary says "and when is all this gonna sound normal to me,"

"I don't know," Jace says

"All clear," Alexander says as he and Isabelle join them after looking around

"Do you think reds my color," Isabelle asks

"Iz, with a body like yours, everything's your color," Clary says

"Good point, damn, I make this necklace look so good," she says

"Will you take it off, I'm certain Magnus Bane doesn't want drool on his ruby when we make the exchange," Alexander says

"You know, I wouldn't so sure, most men like it when I admire their jewels," Izzy says making Evangeline role her eyes

"Iz just give Jace the necklace please," Evangeline says

"Fine," she says going the necklace to Jace before they headed inside.

"Blend in keep your weapons ready," Evangeline says as the group splits up

"Magnus," Evangeline hears Jace call out

Evangeline watched from a distance as Magnus got up from his spot and went over to Clary and Jace.

"Clary Fairchild, you've grown into a beautiful young woman."he says

"Magnus bane, so you're the one who stole my memories," Clary says

"At your mothers request, she knew the risk," Magnus says before looking to Jace "show me the jewelry Shadowhunter"

Evangeline started to look around as Jace and Clary continued to talk to Magnus unaware that Magnus could feel the magic coming from her as she was looking around.

Evangeline looked back to Magnus, Jace and Clary and her eyes widened when she saw a with a red circle behind Magnus

"Look out," Evangeline yelled running over past Magnus using her magic to snap the man's neck dropping him to the ground as she made sure he was dead unaware that Magnus was watching her.

He was in shock to see Evangeline there but he didn't know her name and thought she was gorgeous

"Who are you," he says before he started to walk off.

"Magnus wait," Clary called "you're my only hope"

"Valentine found us, I warned your mother this might happen," he says

"Wait," Clary says only for Magnus to disappear leaving a button.

"The areas secure," Isabelle says "looks like he was the only assassins,"

"He wasn't an assassin, Valentine doesn't want Magnus or Clary dead, at least not yet," Evangeline says

"Either way, he has a circle rune on the base of his neck," Alexander says

"They found us, it's not safe here, clary we have to go," Jace says as everyone starts to head out

The group heads outside

"Clary we have to move," Jace says to her

"I'm catching my breath," Clary snapped at him

"You know what? This is great, and not only didn't Magnus not get the girl her memories back, he took the necklace. This is fantastic," Alexander says

"Alec, the girl, her name is clary and I highly suggest you keep your voice down," Jace warns

"Why, what are you afraid I'm gonna upset her? We have risked our lives again and again for this girl, and where has it gotten us. All right. Nowhere we're no closer to getting the mortal cup and we've lost the institute's necklace," Alexander snaps

As the group continues to argue, Evangeline takes the button that Clary had dropped which was Magnus and puts it in her hands as she tries to track him.

"Evangeline what are you doing," Clary asks gaining Jace, Isabelle and Alexander's attention

"Tracking Magnus," Evangeline says as she closes her eyes 

"You can't track him, the signal will block you out" Alexander says

"That's what you don't know," Clary says smirking remembering what she did at the graveyard

"Got him," Evangeline says as they head off to find Magnus.

Alexander and Isabelle were shocked that their sister found Magnus so easily and it could only prove that her powers were really strong,

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