Chapter 30 ~ Together & Murders

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The next day, Evangeline woke up to Magnus and Sofia still sleeping in bed. She wanted to do things to make up for the 3 weeks she wasn't here. The three weeks, she had to stay in hiding to control her powers. She quietly got out of bed and put one of Magnus's shirts on before she headed to Magnus's kitchen. When she got there, she looked around to what she could make and got started to cook when she knew what she was going to make. 

Meanwhile, Magnus stretched and felt Evangeline's spot to see that it was empty. He was about to go and see where she was when she heard babbles from Sofia's crib and decided to pick her up first.

"Good morning my little Ray of sunshine," Magnus says kissing her forehead 

"Oh, she's up," Magnus hears Evangeline say kissing him to turn and smile when he saw that Evangeline was in his shirt with a tray of food.

"She is and you didn't have to do all this," Magnus says as the three head to the bed to sit before eating

"I wanted too now eat," Evangeline says as the three start to eat.

"mmmm" Magnus and Sofia both said when Magnus put his bite into his mouth and Sofia took some bread to eat. 

Evangeline laughed hearing this coming from both of them but this made Evangeline feel happy that they were enjoying the food so much.

"So what's the plan for today," Magnus asked smiling and chuckling when he saw how observing Sofia was looking at her bread. 

"I have to head to the institute soon to talk to the others and find out what's going on," Evangeline said as she puts a bite of food in her mouth "unfortunately being that I'm a full Quadbrid, I know the clave will want to keep an eye on me."

Magnus sighs and nods. He had a feeling things like this would be happening. 

"All right you can go but I'll keep Sofia with me," Magnus says as Evangeline nods knowing this would be good so that she stayed safe. 

After they finished eating Evangeline got ready and headed to the institute. She could hear the whispers of some of the institute members on how Evangeline could be alive.

When she saw Alec, Derek, Izzy, and Jace, her heart dropped when she heard what Izzy said

"Jace...I'm a yen fen addict," 

"Excuse me," Evangeline says gaining their attention.

While Alec and Derek both knew Evangeline was back, Jace and Izzy were in shock.

"Your alive," they both said as tears came down their eyes. 

She nods as she signals for both of them to come and hug her which they did. Izzy and Jace were finally happy again that they had got their sister back. 

"When did you get back," Jace asks when he stopped hugging.

Izzy was still hugging Evangeline and it was fine with her since she was Evangeline's biological sister and a sisters bond was strong.

"Last night when Magnus was in Valentines body and Valentine was in Magnus's," Evangeline says "I stayed the night with Magnus before coming here now."

"You have a lot of explaining to do on how your alive and why you didn't come back for the last 3 weeks," Isabelle whispered

"I will explain everything now explain what's going on and how the hell did you get addicted to Yen fen," Evangeline says as she makes Izzy look to her 

"It's a long story but I'm better now, not perfect but better," Izzy says before looking to Jace "defined good enough to hunt down whoever's murdering our people"

"Murder" Evangeline says shocked 

"Downworlders are attacking shadowhunters," Alec simple says "Jace is in charge in what we have to do," which makes Evangeline nod look to Jace 

"How the hell did you end up in charge," she asks making the group chuckle "I know the message about yesterday but what was it about"

"Jace here is a Herondale," Derek says as Evangeline fakes a bow to Jace 

"Your highness," she says with makes the group snicker as Jace rolls his eyes 

"Very funny but we do need all the help we can get," he says before looking to Izzy "report back with any leads you get, okay," 

Izzy nods as Jace walks away. Alec and Derek head out to do their own thing while Izzy heads to Rapheal's and Evangeline heads to Magnus's

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