Chapter 29 ~ Lost & Found

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Derek, Sofia and Alec headed upstairs after a while since they weren't able to put Sofia asleep but now there were able to get Sofia asleep. 

"Hey," Jace says when they see him

"Hey," Alec and Derek say

"We need to talk," Alec says 

"Yeah, heard you banished Azazel," Jace says to Alec "Congratulations"

"Yeah, um this is gonna sound crazy," Alec says "We were just with Valentine and he's saying he's Magnus that Azazel switched them with some sort of curse."

"What," Jace says 

"We know," Derek says "it's hard to believe but it's just that he knew things only Magnus would know or or only what Eva would know"

Jace's face frowned hearing this. How could Valentine know things they only knew

"Okay, well that's strange," Jace says 

"Yeah and what confused us more was that Sofia called him da da and wouldn't want leave," Alec says shocking Jace as he looked to Sofia and then back to Alec and Derek

"Okay well, Sofia is young she doesn't understand what's going on but you two don't trust him either of you," Jace says as Alec nods but Derek hesitates and nods.

The way Sofia reacted wasn't normal and she had been with Magnus longer then anyone else. So maybe Magnus was telling the truth.

Downstairs, Magnus in valentines body was in pain from what Imogen was doing to him and he really wanted to get out now. 

When Imogen left, Magnus was left alone and sat in tears as he closed his eyes. He wanted to get out ever so badly. 

When he saw Alec and Imogen come back later he knew he was in trouble and when Alec put the wrap in his neck. He knew he was done for.

"Stop, that's Magnus and if you Kill him, Valentine will be free." a voice yells out from behind Alec and Imogen.

They turn blocking Magnus's view but Imogen and Alec were both shocked when they saw who it was.

"Eva," Alexander says shaking in tears that his sister was here. 

She had changed so much in just a few weeks. She was wearing a cloak over her body and her hair had gone darker then before. She had a more powerful look when she stood there.

"Evangeline Lightwood," Imogen says shocked knowing that she was killed some time before "how"

"How I'm alive doesn't matter ma'am but what right now that matters is that you need to see that," Evangeline says pointing to the message coming up of Valentine in Magnus's body and Jace. 

Alec and Imogen went to see it while Evangeline went to help Magnus in Valentine's body who was in tears that Evangeline was alive. 

"Your alive," he says quietly as she looks to him in tears too.

"I am and we're going to switch you back I promise" she says whipping the tears away as they both head out of the cell. 

Magnus had to head to his place for the body swap alone but she wasn't going to let Magnus go alone. 

When she arrived at the apartment, she saw Clary, Alec, Derek, Sofia and another man at the door with Clary trying to unlock it.

"Need some help," Evangeline calls out gaining Clary and the others attention. 

Clary and Derek were both in shock that Evangeline was really alive.

"Eva," they both said with tears 

"Ma ma ma" Sofia says seeing her mom and making Evangeline laugh.

Sebastian looked at Evangeline and could tell how powerful she was but the question was left. How did she survive?

Evangeline walked over and grabbed Clary's hands as her eyes glowed before Evangeline looked to the door and used the power in her to get the spell down letting everyone rush in while Clary takes Valentine back to the cell as Magnus, Alec, Derek, Sofia and Sebastian are left in Magnus's apartment. 

Derek, Alec and Sebastian all leave leaving Magnus and Evangeline alone. Evangeline had a lot of explaining to do in the morning but for now it's just Magnus and her. 

As Evangeline was picking broken things up to throw away, she squeals when Magnus picks her up and makes her sit in his lap facing him. Evangeline's smile that was on her face disappeared when she saw Magnus in tears.

"Magnus are you..." she says but is cut off by Magnus kissing her as she returns it before they stop and he hugs her putting his neck into her shoulder

"3 weeks," he says quietly "3 weeks since I had you in my arms, or I could kiss you or say I love you."

Evangeline didn't say anything but placed her fingers into Magnus's hair and started playing with it. She closed her eyes and felt tears coming down her face when she felt tears coming into her shoulder. 

"You know, when I was in Valentines body, the agony rune made me relieve memories I've spent centuries trying to forgot," Magnus says in a whisper "one of those memories being seeing you on the graveyard stones at the institute"

"Tell me how I to could fix this Magnus," Evangeline says back 

"Just stay with me and don't go anywhere for the night," he says and Evangeline nods before getting up. 

"Come on," she says taking Magnus's hand as she takes Magnus into the bedroom with Sofia sleeping in the crib. 

The pair got ready for bed before laying on the bed. 

Magnus pulled Evangeline into his arms and started to play with her hair as she listened to the sound of Magnus's heart beat.

"Evangeline," Magnus says trying to not wake Sofia. 

"Hmm," she replies 

"What are you now," he asks and she knew what he ment before saying 3 words.

"Shadowhunter, Witch and.... Phoenix." She says as she could feel a smile form on Magnus's face.

She wasn't going anywhere soon and that made him happy, very happy 

Magnus finally got back what he lost and that was happiness. He found his lost happiness yet again and he wasn't going to lose it anymore. She was his and he was hers. Nothing and nobody could break them apart any more. 

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