Chapter 19 ~ Trial Preparations & Trial

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"We need to come up with a plan to get you both out of here," Alec says as he, Nick, and Sofia were walking around in the room Isabelle and Evangeline were in some time later.

"And what are you suggesting," Isabelle asks "it's not as though we can just walk out of here Alec," 

"They have to go to trial Alec after you trying to parabati bond failed," Nick says as Alec scowls at him while Evangeline and Isabelle look to Alexander

"You tried the bond, are you okay," Evangeline asks 

"The bond's as weak as a ghost," he says sadly 

"Oh Alec," Isabelle says as the two sisters hug their brother. 

Nick smiles watching the scene. He was happy seeing them together. 

"We know you tried," Evangeline says 

"Sorry," he says hugging them both before letting them go and heading out.

"He's still going to try to delay the trial," Nick says rocking Sofia.

"Then try to get him to stop," Isabelle says 

"Your brother is a stubborn ass," Nick says "no offence"

"None taken," both girls say before they chuckle. 

Later, Alex comes back some time later on and explained what was going  on as Evangeline scoffs.

"You know what I'd rather be stripped of my ruins and sent into Exile then be part of this world. What type of people sacrifice Justice for law." She says which makes Isabelle agree

"That's very noble both of you but this act won't look so good when your running for your life from a pack of demons with no Shadowhunter powers to protect you,"Alexander says 

"Jocelyn was able to leave as a mundane," Isabelle says 

"And I have my magic still Alexander," she says as blue flames comes from her hands surprising her siblings "I don't need this world after everything I've gone through." 

"You guys can't just let them convict you both," Nick says taking Evangeline's hand to him. "You both need an advocate."

This makes me look at him as he nods heading out with Nick as they both head to Magnus. Who agreed to be Evangeline and Izzy's advocate but also questioned Nick why he was getting married to Evangeline. This right there made sense to Alec that Magnus liked Evangeline and he didn't want to lose her to Nick. Nick simply smiled sadly and left unaware that Alec was asking Magnus not to give up on his sister and to help him stop the wedding after the trial with Isabelle. Magnus simply shrugged looking away as Alec sadly left thinking Magnus wouldn't but not knowing that Magnus was going to do everything to stop the wedding. Magnus didn't plan on losing the one thing that made him happy. 

A few hours later, back at the institute was the trial and Evangeline was nervous as it went on. She knew that Magnus would help her and her sister but she wasn't sure what was going to happen afterwards. She watched as Magnus lead the trial and only hoped everything would go well. Lydia called up Isabelle and asked her questions but she never asked me why because she would just say the same thing as Isabelle. 

Next thing she knew, Magnus called Lydia to the stand and she wide drew the case from Evangeline and Isabelle but unless the cup was returned to the clave, Isabelle and Evangeline could still have their runes removed. 

When the cup was given back, Evangeline walked into the room where Alec, Clary and Jace along with a unconscious Jocelyn were. Evangeline smiled as she walked over to see her and hoped to wake her up soon. Evangeline looked up when she saw Alec and Jace arguing  and sighed before heading to her room, wedding preparations were now on their way.

Author Note: The Trial Is A Lot & I Couldn't Bother To Type It, why Valentine is after Evangeline & Sofia is next and hidden feelings come revealed. Trust me, your in for a ride.

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