Chapter 5 ~ More Unrevealed Truths

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Evangeline headed downstairs with Sofia in her arms when Clary, Jace and Simon showed up.

"Simon," Evangeline says smiling as Sofia giggles too.

"Evangeline, Sofia," he says coming over and hugging Evangeline and kissing Sofia on her forehead.

Sofia babbles and does grabby hands to Simon for him to pick her up. Simon smiles and takes her from Evangeline holding her as Alexander walks over.

He was pissed that his sister trusted a mundane with Sofia but he couldn't do anything about it considering that he was part of his sisters life and his nieces life too,

"Why is there a mundane in the institute," he asks turning to Jace

"Circle member followed him to get to Clary and apparently to Evangeline and Sofia as well," Jace says

Alexander was confused why circle members were after Evangeline and Sofia and honestly Evangeline was confused too.

"Circle rune just like the guys that took my mother," Clary says

"What exactly is a circle rune and why are they trying to kill us," Simon asks

""All we know is a long time ago the circle lead a revolt. A lot of shadow-hunters got killed including my father." Jace says

"And since the revolt, we've been forbidden to even hear about the circle," Alexander finishes

"But how's that even possible," Clary asks looking at Jace, Evangeline and Alexander "it's your history"

"Says the girl who didn't know she was a shadow Hunter," Jace says jokingly

Evangline roles her eyes as she passes Simon a milk bottle which he takes and starts to feed Sofia.

"Yeah yeah your right." Evangeline says making Jace and Alexander turn to her "Only 3 people know Clays truth of being a shadow hunter, Joseph who's dead, me and Jocelyn who is missing. Clary doesn't need to care about anything going on in this institute but there has to be someone that can explain why they took Jocelyn."

"There is," Jace says to Clary and Evangeline "you guys coming"

"Yeah," Clary says as she, Evangeline and Simon start to follow him.

"No no no not you," Jace says to Simon

"Hey we're a package deal," Clary says

"There are runes all over the gym floor that could kill your mundane boyfriend," Jace says annoyed.

Evangeline roles her eyes and takes Sofia from Simon before heading to the gym where she watches Hodge fight someone just as Clary and Jace show up.

"Who is that guy," Clary asks

"That's Hodge Stark-weather," Evangeline says "he's the weapons trainer"

"And most importantly for us, a former circle member. After the uprising Hodge repented and he was sent to live here and make amends." Jace says "but he's forbidden to ever leave the institute"

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