Chapter 11 ~ Meeting Magnus & Memories

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"Magnus' lair is right behind that fence," Jace says as they head to Magnus's house

"Magnus lives in a warehouse," Clary says

"Not exactly, warlock glamour," Evangeline says

"Something wrong, it's far too easy to get this close," Isabelle says

"You, don't get in the way," Alexander says to Clary

Evangeline roles her eyes as they see 2 men fighting each other and it was clear one had the upper hand

"Oh my god, Valentine found Magnus," Clary exclaimed as the group runs over.

Evangeline sees a young girl run over to her dad who was dead

"Daddy! Daddy! Daddy, get up please," she pleads

"Watch out," Evangeline yells as one of Valentines men tried to sneak up on the girl and kill her.

Evangeline uses her magic to fling the man to the wall as she ran over to the girl

"Come here sweetheart," Evangeline says as the girl hugs Evangeline

"Evangeline Lightwood Fairchild Hart, Valentine will be pleased to meet you," the man says as Isabelle, Jace and Clary kill him.

"Thanks" she says to them who smile 

Evangeline turns to the warlock girl who was hiding behind her and looking to her dead father. Evangeline felt horrible that the poor girl lost her father

"Come on," Evangeline says as she takes the poor girl inside

Evangeline hands the girl to Clary before going to look around when she heard voices from inside .

"You're magics strong, warlock," a man's voice says "much stronger than that horned weakling I killed this morning"

"Elias," Magnus voice says surprised

"That's was his name. Well lucky for us, he sold you out before I took his warlock mark. Cats eyes be a nice addition to my collection," the man says

Evangeline uses her magic to snap the man's leg making him fall to the ground as Magnus took his chance hitting him in the chest with a large ball of blue flames making him unconscious

"Well done," Evangeline says making Magnus look to her

"More like medium rare," he jokes which makes Evangeline chuckle "I'm Magnus, I don't think we've been formally introduced,"

"Evangeline and this is Sofia," Evangeline says with a smile.

Evangeline could feel her face heat up as Magnus watched her and Sofia

"Oh, uh, we should know, probably get," Evangeline stammers

"Right, we should join the party," Magnus says

"Right," Evangeline says as they head downstairs but she didn't miss seeing the intrigued look on Magnus's face

"Magnus," Clary's voice called out as the young girl runs over and hugs him.

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