Chapter 22 ~ The Book Of The White, Betrays, Camille & Waking Jocelyn

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Clary, Jace, Alec, Derek, John, Lydia, Chris, Magnus, Sofia & Evangeline all walked into the common room as Magnus used his magic to bring out Ragnor's belongings. Laura and Nick went to check the cup during this time

"I pulled every item of magical importance from Ragnor's belongings but I can't determine which will lead to the book of the white." Magnus says as everyone starts to look at the stuff

"Wait, this bookmark, I've seen it before," clary says picking a bookmark up and looking to Magnus"In the alternate universe you and Evangeline showed me a book of spells and this was in it. It must have been the book of the white," 

"I'm sorry," Evangeline says confused gaining everyone's attention. "Magnus and I showed you this in the alternate universe.

"Ugh yeah," Clary says nervously as Jace chuckles before looking to Evangeline & Magnus 

"You two were together in the alternative universe, married with a couple of kids," Jace says as Evangeline and Magnus both turned shocked as the others chuckle 

"Anyways, back to the book mark. If that's the case maybe we could use the bookmark to track the owner of the book," Derek says 

"Okay," Jace says taking it to use it but stopped by Magnus

"Warlock tracking is stronger," Magnus says only for the book mark to be taken by Evangeline 

"I think almost Quadbrid is the strongest don't you," Evangeline says with a smirk 

Magnus chuckles as Evangeline goes to track with everyone confused with what Evangeline ment

"Quadbrid," Everyone but Nick asks 

"Long story," Nick says "talk some other time"

Everyone nods as Evangeline goes to track the owner of the book only to see Camille locked up and screaming causing her to open her eyes and look to the others.

"We'll I've got good and bad news." She says looking to the group "good news, I know who the owner is and bad news it's Camille"

This surprised the group knowing Camille wouldn't help 

"Camille," John says 

He had been caught up on everything that happened recently and to say he was shocked would be very light..

"Looks like Rapheal has her locked in the basement of the hotel dumort" Evangeline says 

"Well, after I punched her there's no way she'll help me," Clary says 

"You punched a vampire," Chris says surprised as Clary nods "wow"

"She won't have a choice," Jace says "trust me"

Jace leaves as Clary looks and follows Jace's leaving figure and sighs.

"I'm so glad we got away from the crowd and all those people," Evangeline says rocking Sofia to sleep after it's just her and Magnus in the common room. "It was intense"

"I have to hand it too you Evangeline you certainly know how to make a statement," Magnus says pushing some hair from her face

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