Chapter 6 ~ Looking For Dot

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Evangeline woke up a few hours later to yelling downstairs.

She groaned and got up taking Sofia in her arms as she headed downstairs where Clary and Alexander were arguing

"What the hell is going on," Evangeline said gaining everyone's attention

"Aunt Evangeline," Clary says running to her which surprised Alexander "Dot, she was a warlock right, she made the portal that we went into."

"Yeah," Evangeline says "Dot was a warlock."

"We need to find her, she maybe able to help us get my memories back," Clary says

"Your memories," Evangeline says confused

"Seems Jocelyn had someone or a warlock take Clary's memories," Jace says "Dots our most likely option to get them back, and find the mortal cup,"

"Then let's find her," Evangeline says ignoring the fact about the mortal cup.

Evangeline knew what it was and it was dangerous but again she didn't know where it was and that Jocelyn hadn't trusted her with it, at the moment her goal was finding Dot. Clary smiles before hugging her

"Thank you thank you thank you," she says and Evangeline kisses her forehead before looking to Alexander, Jace, Simon and Isabelle.

"Anything for my niece," she says which makes them nod that they had to listen to Evangeline.

They headed out to Simons van before heading to the Pandemonium where Clary saw Dot in her vision.

"Aunt Evangeline...," Clary says but Evangeline stops her

"Clary, I know you've been raised by Jocelyn to call me aunt because I was married to your half uncle but please stop calling me aunt, It makes me sound old and I'm only 25." Evangeline says making Clary and Simon chuckle

"Yet you were the one who was married to a 38 year old man," they both say making Jace, and Isabelle chuckle along with Alexander give a small smile as Evangeline role her eyes

"Whatever, just Evangeline got it," she says and Clary nods

"You took Hodges pain, how, I haven't been a Shadowhunter for so long but I know no Shadowhunter can do that and I don't think your a warlock," Clary says

Evangeline sighs as she rubs Sofias back

"What I am along with being a Shadowhunter, deals with your step grandfathers side of the family," Evangeline says "It's a long story which I will tell you but let me just tell you that I'm more powerful then a Shadowhunter and almost equivalent to a warlock."

Clary's eyes widened in shock as did the others. They definitely weren't expecting to hear Evangeline say that.

When the group arrived at the Pandemonium, they all headed out to look for Dot.

"Dot, dot" Clary called out "Dot"

The group ran into Pandemonium but Dot was gone.

"She was just trying to help me," Clary says "now she's gone"

Evangeline gives her a hug as Clary hugs her back. Alexander and Isabelle couldn't help but feel a bit jealous that their sister was hugging someone else that wasn't them.

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