9. Quartet

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The wedding venue was an open lush green lawn.

The whole venue was decorated with pink and white flowers. Tiny mirrors hanging in between the floral decorations reflected the sun's rays.

Kao and Earth entered the venue later than they had calculated as they had trouble finding parking space for their car.

"It is so beautiful!" Earth's eyes twinkled as he looked at the venue décor.

Kao pulled the younger one towards him as the latter was so lost in thoughts that he almost hit the artificial pillar at the entrance.

"Thank you, phi." Earth smiled awkwardly, seeing that he almost made a fool out of himself.

"Watch where you are going." Kao frowned and held Earth's hand as he walked forward.

"Khrab phi." Earth let the elder pull him inside.

Once they reached the seating area, Earth saw many familiar faces. He enthusiastically greeted them.

Kao too had to greet them despite not recognizing any of them because most of them were his grandparent's acquaintances.

He was immediately surrounded by weird aunts and grandmothers who wanted to introduce their daughters, nieces, and granddaughters to him.

Thankfully Earth managed to save him from them.

Kao heaved a sigh of relief as he stood on the other side of the venue, away from the crowd.

"P' Kao, do you want to go and greet the bride now or after the wedding?" Earth asked.

"I don't actually know the bride personally. It is okay if I don't greet her." Kao answered.

"Then, let's go meet Fluke and his band members." Earth held Kao's hand as he led the latter towards the small makeshift platform that acted as a stage.

Kao could see different musical instruments that he assumed belonged to the music club had been set up.

He could see a group of six teenagers, five boys, and a girl, dressed in sky blue and white costumes sitting in the shade next to the stage, discussing something seriously.

Earth brought Kao to the group and introduced him to them.

Fluke was the male lead vocalist of the group, he also played guitar. The only girl in the group was the female vocalist. Other than these two there was an electric guitarist, a rhythm guitarist, a bass guitarist, and a keyboardist.

It was apparent that Fluke was the youngest of the group, but played the role of the leader.

While all the other members were happily chatting and familiarizing themselves with Kao, Fluke seemed to be uninterested in doing so.

Kao found it understandable. In a duration of past two weeks, he had interacted with Fluke several times and the latter had never hidden his dislike for Kao at all. But strangely, the duo got along well for Earth's sake.

Kao found Fluke's personality rather interesting. Unlike Earth who was clingy to him and others who tried to suck up to him because of his family, Fluke being honest in expressing himself made Kao feel more comfortable around him.

A strange yet strong understanding and bond was created between the two. Kao knew that he could always rely on Fluke to take care of Earth and vice versa.

"How many songs will you guys be playing today?" Earth asked enthusiastically.

"One for the bridal entry and the others after the wedding, for the wedding reception. They will be paying us in terms of hours this time and not by the number of songs we perform. So, we will try to prolong our performance." Fluke answered Earth.

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