55. Red handed

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“Ahem ahem.”

Kao jolted at the sound of the fake coughs. He was peeking into the Namwirote’s restaurant from the front gate. He didn’t dare go in and look for Earth. He turned and saw Fluke standing behind him with a huge smile.

He blushed lightly after being caught red-handed by Fluke.

“Who are you? You seem familiar.” Fluke asked in an innocent tone.

“You don’t have to be so sarcastic.” Kao pouted at Fluke.

“I don’t know what I heard…” Fluke started walking around Kao. “Age Gap… long distance… homosexuality… what not.”

Kao looked up at the sky and sighed audibly. He knew Fluke was just teasing him for putting on air and rejecting Earth.

He caught Fluke, who was walking around him in circles, by his shoulder. “Alright! I give in. I miss him okay. I really miss him. I miss him like crazy.”

“Really?” Fluke smiled mischievously. He was enjoying the look of misery on the older man’s face.

“Fluke.” Kao knew that more than anyone else Fluke understood the situation the best.

“How about we sit and talk?” Fluke took a step to the restaurant.

Kao caught his hand. “We can talk. But not here.” His voice was almost pleading. He wasn’t ready to go in and meet Earth and his family.

Fluke just chuckled. “Okay then. Lead the way, Phi.”

A few minutes later, the duo was sitting at a street-side food stall.

“So, are you going to help me?” Kao asked looking at Fluke who was digging into his food.

Fluke raised his head and looked at Kao thoughtfully. “Hmm… how about… ‘you’ enlightening me of ‘what is going on’.”

Kao sighed. He knew he needed Fluke’s help and he wouldn’t be able to lie to the younger as he would find everything out by himself later and would turn out to be the biggest obstacle in his way to pursue Earth.

He didn’t want to elaborate but he didn’t want to miss details. “It was my cousin’s wedding last week and…” Kao raised his gaze and met Fluke’s preying eyes.  He scratched the back of his head. He was feeling a little ashamed to talk about what happened. “I kind of slept with my ex…”

“Wait.” Fluke raised his hands at Kao in a 'stop' sign.

Kao stopped talking.

“You said you slept with your ex?” Fluke asked getting a nod from Kao in reply. “Then why the heck are you here?”

Kao could feel that there was a slight change in the friendly tone Fluke spoke to him earlier. He clenched his hair with both hands. “I was drunk and I mistook her for Earth.”

He looked up at Fluke’s blank face. “I mean… I don’t know what got into me… maybe it was the alcohol… but I swear Fluke, I had never looked at Earth like that. I mean, I have never pictured him like that and then the night happened and I- I was so confused and lost. I couldn’t believe that I would actually… Argh” he groaned in shame.

He didn’t want to admit it. but he was having dirty thoughts towards a minor whom he had treated as his little brother. He sounded like a pervert for some reason.

Fluke who had been silent all this while unsealed the cap of the bottle of water and handed it to Kao. “Drink this phi.”

Kao gratefully took the bottle and chucked down its contents.

“Easy there, Phi.” Fluke sympathized with Kao who was drinking the water as if it was beer.

He put down his chopsticks and crossed his hands across his chest. “So, in short, you slept with your ex and realized that the person you actually what to sleep with was Earth.”

“I never said that.” Kao’s eyes widened in exasperation.

“That is ‘exactly’ what you said, Phi,” Fluke smirked.

“You know that is not what I meant.” Kao glared at Fluke.

“Then what did you mean, phi?” Fluke picked up his chopsticks and resumed eating.

“What I meant was that. I realized that I love him, that too in a non-brotherly way.”

“Wow. That’s news to me.” Fluke bit on to the juicy meatball.

“Not everyone is like you, Fluke. Some people are dumb and need time to realize their feelings are, okay?” Kao retorted.

“Being dumb to realize one’s feelings and turning a blind eye to the feelings even after realizing it, are two different things, Phi.” Fluke picked up the tissues and dabbed his oily lips. “And I am sure you know well enough, which category you belong to.”

“I just wanted to make sure, okay. I couldn’t risk it all if it was just a moment of infatuation or whatever you guys call it. Earth and his family mean a lot to me, and I can’t be impulsive and lose them just like that.” Kao defended.

Fluke crumpled the dirty tissue and put it inside the empty bowl. “Then, what happened now? You don’t fear losing them anymore?”

“I do. But I am clear of my feelings. I know what my heart wants. I know that I love Earth the same way he loves me.” Kao declared.

“Phi, Khrab.” Fluke waved at the waiter asking for the bill. He then faced Kao and asked. “What about your family? Especially your Mae. She didn’t seem to be pleased about the idea of you being with Earth. What are you planning to do about it?”

“About that. you don’t need to worry. I will handle it if they interfere. I have already made up mind to be Earth and I am not going to step back.” Kao said assertively. “It is my life and I will choose the person I will spend it with.”

Fluke was glad to hear the tone of determination in Kao’s voice. “That’s good to hear. I hope your words just don’t remain words.” He sipped his drink. “It should reflect in your action too.”

“Don’t worry, Fluke. I will never let anyone hurt your friend.” Kao promised.

“I hope that ‘anyone’ includes you as well Khun Noppakao,” Fluke said smilingly.

Kao smiled back. He settled the bill and the duo soon got out of the food stall.

“Fluke,” Kao called out to the younger who was walking beside him.

“Khrab, Phi.” Fluke turned his attention to Kao.

“It is okay to act your age once in a while. No one is going to judge you.” Kao often felt bad for Fluke for having to act all mature and tough all the time. He was nothing like a sixteen-year-old teenager. He spoke and acted like a mature adult.

Fluke didn’t say anything and just smiled.

Kao understood what that smile meant because he was in a similar position as Fluke. The position in which they couldn’t afford to act childish, stay relaxed or enjoy their teenage days. He had been through it and he knew exactly how it felt.

He raffled Fluke’s hair comforting the little guy.

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