79. Sister

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"Ahem!" Kaew fake coughed as she entered Kao's office.

Kao was on a call with Earth and hadn't noticed his sister's presence until she coughed.

Kaew flashed an innocent smile at her brother acting as if she didn't mean to interrupt the lovey-dovey duo who were on the call.

"I have some business to take care of now" Kao glared at his sister while talking on the phone. "I will call you back later. Bye." He hung up the call without saying their customary 'I love you' to Earth as Kaew was present. 

"Romkaew Dechaphattanakun! Where are your manners? Haven't you learned to knock on the door before you enter someone's room?" He barked at her, feeling displeased about being interrupted.

"Sorry," Kaew shrugged unapologetically.

"Why are you still here?" Kao asked swallowing his anger.

"Why? I can't be here?" Kaew headed to the lounging area inside Kao's office, picking up an apple from the fruit basket. "Don't tell me that my own phi is not happy that his nong is staying for a longer period this time!"

"I was just asking. You don't have to be so dramatic." Kao scoffed.

"That's so not you, phi. Normally you would never ask." Kaew plopped on the couch making herself comfortable. 

She took a bite of the apple and casually sat on the couch "So, Earth right?" She raised her feet and placed it on the coffee table, making herself at home.

"Take your feet off the table, Kaew!" Kao commanded seeing his sister's unruly behaviour. "Can't you act like a girl?" 

"Why do I have to 'act' like a girl when I am a girl?" Kaew asked.

Kao rolled his eyes at his younger sibling "Just tell me why you are here. I have a lot of work."

"Yeah," Kaew chuckled "I can see that you have a lot of 'work'." She giggled.

"If you have nothing else to say, then get out of my office."

"Woah! Woah! Don't be in a hurry to chase me away Phi chaai. I just came here to congratulate you on finding your true love!" she winked.

"I don't know what you are talking about."

"P' Kao, I heard you two talk on the phone when I came in, alright? And I am really happy for you." Kaew stated.

She had been brought up by her maternal uncle and aunt that she was more open-minded than the rest of the Dechaphatthanakuns. She didn't mind if his brother was dating a girl or a guy, as long as her brother was happy with the relationship, she would support him no matter what.

"I should have long figured out that you were into boys. After all your taste in women was so terrible that I often wanted to bring you to the hospital for a brain checkup." She took another bite of the apple.

Kao glared at his sister. If she had not been a woman, he would have definitely given her a good beating.

"Don't give me that look, Phi. I never liked any of your exes. They were simply too bitchy."

Kaew finished her apple and got up to look for something else to eat in Kao's pantry. As she had skipped breakfast because she didn't want to be lectured by her mother on the dining table, she was really hungry. 

"So, how did you confess to him first?" Kaew opened a carton of milk and directly drank from it.

"Romkaew! That one is supposed to last me for a week!" Kao was really angry seeing how Kaew had drunk the milk directly from the one-litre milk carton. 

He had been staying in the office building where he had a bedroom for himself to finish off the work earlier and find time to call Earth. He didn't want to waste time commuting between his office and house. He utilised the time to complete the work that he used to do on weekends so that he could go to Chiang Mai to meet his boyfriend on those days.

He had his secretary stoke up his pantry and now Kaew was raiding it.

"Stop being a cheapstake, Phi! I will replace this one, Okay?" Kaew said with obvious disdain.

"You better" Kao snorted.

"Now, don't change the topic. Tell me how you confessed to him" Kaew wanted some gossip.

"I didn't confess."


"It was him who confessed to me and pursued me. I just said yes."

"You have been in love with him for years and you had him confess to you first? You even went to the extent that he had to pursue you? What is wrong with you, Phi?" Kaew asked in exasperation.

Kao narrowed his eyes hearing the first part of the dialogue.

"Oh come on, Phi! I know you have been interested in him for years!" Kaew said with a scoff.

She threw some cereal into her mouth and munched on it before continuing " Ever since I heard Earth's name from Ohm and Boun, I tricked Khun Yaay into spilling your beans. She told me how attentive you were to Earth and how much you liked to play with him when you were kids."

She took a big sip of the milk again. "The elders might not have been able to figure it out but I can put two and two together and understand what was cooking in your head back then. You haven't even taken care of me or any of our cousins like that. None of us had that privilege. Only Earth got it. You had been eyeing that kid since he was a baby!"

Kao didn't feel ashamed after being exposed by his little sister. Instead, he looked smug.

"You damn paedophile!" Kaew was surprised to see the smugness on her brother's face. "Don't you think that you are too old to be dating a high schooler?"

"Neither Earth nor his family has any problem with my age. So, you shouldn't too" Kao said with a smirk.

"Wait. What did you say? His family doesn't have a problem with your age? His family knows about you dating their teenage son?" Kaew's eyes were wide in shock.


"And they have no objection?"

"Nope. Not a one." Kao said with a huge smile plastered on his face. 

Kaew scoffed in disdain. "There must be something wrong with their heads then."

Kao was so done with his sister. "You barge into my office, eat everything off my refrigerator and you are finding fault with me? Wow, Romkaew! Talk about being shameless."

"Well, I inherited that trait from my one and only Phi chaai" Kaew admitted shamelessly.

"You are really asking for a good beating, aren't you?" Kao said as he got up from his chair.

Kaew was instantly on guard. Even though they hadn't spent much time together, she knew her brother well. Well enough to know that he really wanted to beat the crap out of her. 

"Where are you going stay where you are" Kao said as he watched Kaew running to the other end of the couch.

"I swear phi. If today you lay your hands on me I will tell Earth all your embarrassing stories when you were young." Kaew tried threatening.

"I dare you, Kaew. I dare you to breathe a word about those stories to Earth" Kao said warningly. He lunged forward to grab her but she dodged him.

"I will and you won't be able to stop me." She stuck her tongue out at her brother before escaping from the room. 

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