39. Lunch Date

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"What are you doing here?" Kao asked with a frown as soon as he saw Earth waiting in the café for him.

"That is the first thing you are speaking to me when we are meeting for the first time in a long time? No hi, no hello?" Earth pouted.

Kao was seriously irritated "Earth, tell me what the hell are you doing here?"

"I came to surprise you, Phi. I wanted to see you. I missed you." Earth's voice cracked a bit. He had been extremely excited to see Kao. He had been planning on the visit for a whole week. He didn't expect Kao to get pissed out because of it.

"We talk on the phone almost every day, Earth. We even do FaceTime. What is there to miss?" Kao was agitated. His words came out even harsher than he meant them to be.

Earth looked down on the half-eaten piece of pastry on the table in front of him. he clenched the hem of his hoodie, trying his best not to shed his tears.

"I- I came with Fluke and the others. F- Fluke... H- He and Fame... had the finals of the dance competition h- here. S- so w- we came to ch-cheer for them." Earth managed to complete the sentence despite stuttering.

Kao internally heaved a sigh of relief when he heard that Earth came with his friends. He had initially been worried that Earth ran away from home and came to Bangkok to see him alone.

He calmed down considerably. "Where are you staying? If you had told me you were coming, I would have helped you find the best accommodation."

"I didn't tell you because I wanted it to be a surprise for you, Phi," Earth said softly.

Kao remained silent. He felt guilty seeing that Earth's smile was now replaced by a sorrowful expression. He understood that he crossed the line.

"We are staying at Fluke's place, phi. His parents own a condo here." Earth answered Kao's previous question.

"Then... where are your friends? Why aren't they with you?" Kao tried to change the topic.

"Fluke is with Fame for the last round of dance practice. Sammy went to meet a relative and Prem is with some of his friends from the tennis match."

"So you were alone?"

"They wanted me to go along with them. but I wanted to meet you." Earth said without looking up.

It would be a lie if Kao said that he wasn't happy to hear that. "But, going around the city all alone is not safe, Earth. What if you get lost?"

"I am not a kid, Phi. I have been to Bangkok several times before. I may not be as familiar with the city as you are but I still know how to get my way back to Fluke's condo. Besides, Fluke had arranged for his chauffeur to drive me around since I don't have a license."

Kao finally smiled when he saw Earth retort energetically. He ruffled Earth's hair subconsciously. Earth looked up in surprise at this action. He thought that Kao was mad at him but seeing the older smile, he felt his heart at ease.

"How about we catch lunch together?" Kao suggested.

Earth's eyes lit up at the suggestion. He nodded vigorously. "Khrab, Phi."

Kao chuckled at Earth's enthusiasm. "What do you want to eat?"

"Anything is fine by me, Phi. Any suggestions?" Earth asked standing up.

"Hmm... I do know a restaurant that you might like." Kao held the café door open for Earth to walk out.

Earth blushed lightly. "Then... let's go there."
The duo left the café and headed to the said restaurant. The owner of the restaurant was an acquitance of Kao and thus he managed to get a table at the last moment.

Getting to their table, they took their seats.

"Wow, P' Kao, the view from here is amazing." Earth looked at the view from the rooftop restaurant. The busy city of Bangkok was visible from there.

Kao fondly watched Earth grinning widely with eyes twinkling in joy. Earth didn't forget to click pictures of the view. He also sneakily took a few photos of Kao, which the latter noticed but pretended not to know.

"Khun Khrab." The waiter came in with the menu. He handed a menu each to Kao and Earth before excusing himself.

"The place is so expensive." Earth was stunned to see the astronomical prices of the dishes on the menu.

Kao chuckled at Earth's innocent reaction. "You can order whatever you want. It is my treat. You don't have to worry about the price."

"Oh?" Earth looked up from the menu card. "Then... I will dig a hole in your pocket today." He smiled and went back to check the menu.

"Good luck with that." Kao chuckled.

The waiter came again and Earth placed the orders.

"Are you sure that is all? Don't you want any desserts?" Kao asked.

"Hmm..." Earth flipped through the menu to the dessert section. He ran his eyes on the list "We will have two servings of Tub Tim Grob for dessert." He closed the menu and handed it back to the waiter.

"Earth, I don't eat sweet stuff," Kao said.

"I know, Phi. Both servings are for me." Earth smiled cheekily at Kao. He was happy that Kao wasn't angry anymore.

Kao smirked and dismissed the waiter.

Soon the food arrived and the duo dug in.

"The food here is really yummy, phi," Earth said putting away his spoon and fork.

"I know. That is why I brought you here." Kao actually had no idea about the food in the restaurant. He had heard from his cousin Dream (Ohm's little sister) about the place and he remembered her saying that it was the best place for lunch dates.

"Phi, I need to use the restroom. I will be right back." Earth stood up.

Kao nodded and watched him leave with a smile. His smile froze when he saw a familiar figure in the restaurant.

Jane, along with some of her friends were sitting in the restaurant to have lunch. Her eyes were following Earth who was headed to the bathroom.

Kao was sure that Jane had seen him and Earth together and had recognized the younger as well. He started panicking once again. He didn't know what to do. He didn't think that it was time for his mother to meet Earth.

He was worried that Jane would come over to talk to them. but, much to his relief, Jane and her group left the restaurant soon. She made sure to make eye contact with Kao for a second to let her son know that she had seen him.

Kao started sweating bullets. He didn't know what was in stock for him when he met his mother that night.

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