52. Realization

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Kao stepped down on the accelerator. He was unable to determine if he was angry with himself for sleeping with his ex-girlfriend who cheated on him or for mistaking her for Earth under the influence of alcohol.

“Fuck.” He cursed entering the elevator to his condo. The memories of the previous night were rushing back to his mind.

“How could you, Kao? Earth is your Nong. You said it yourself. You rejected his confession and promised yourself to think of him as your Nong. Just like Ohm and Boun.” He couldn’t believe that he had such lewd thoughts towards Earth to the extent that he would make out with someone just because the person looked like a teenager due to the alcohol he consumed.

It had been almost a month since he hadn’t had any kind of contact with the teenager. The lack of the youngster’s presence in his life was driving him crazy.  He couldn’t concentrate on anything.

Even during Alan’s wedding function, Kao couldn’t help but think of Earth and how much the little one would enjoy the functions and ritual if he were to attend it.

Kao could mentally picture Earth’s excited smiling face when he saw the groom and bride were taking their wedding vows. Just the thought made him smile like an idiot, and Ohm grew suspicious of him.  

Even after returning to Bangkok and having the whole responsibility of handling the guests throughout the wedding reception, Kao still couldn’t get Earth out of his head. in the end, he ended up drinking more alcohol than he would on such occasions, just to keep himself from actually calling Earth.

Never had he imagined that ultimately all the alcohol would only make him miss Earth more. And the most distressing fact was that out of all the people whom he could have slept with, he had actually slept with, he had to do it with his bitchy ex who had cheated on God knows how many men.

But leaving Shelly behind in the hotel room as if the previous night meant nothing to him and what she must have felt about his actions were the last things in his mind. He wanted to sort out his own thoughts.

The car was already on the outskirts of Bangkok city. The headache from the hangover from all the alcohol he drunk during the reception was making Kao feel as if his head was about to be split into two.

He stopped the car on the roadside and leaned back against the car seat. He emptied a whole bottle of water in one go to hydrate himself.

The takeaway breakfast he had bought on the way had already turned cold. He unwrapped it and started eating. He practically inhaled the food because he was too hungry. To finish everything off, he took a painkiller that he got from the pharmacy.

“Now what?” Kao asked himself. He himself had no idea what he should be doing.

He had left the hotel straight in the morning after waking up next to Shelly, without even giving her a proper explanation of why he had actually had sex with her. His whole family, including his parents, grandmother, uncles, aunts and cousins, were still staying in the very hotel. He didn’t even bother to greet them in the morning.

He was way too confused that he went straight back to his condo, filled up his duffle bag with some necessary clothes and stuff and took off without hesitation. He was actually running away. He needed space to clear his mind and from the little conversation he had with Shelly in the morning, he was sure that his mother knew about her and was not going to let him off without a huge round of questioning.

He wasn’t in the mindset to answer his mother’s questions. He chose to stay away from everyone for a while and think things through.

Having filled his stomach and taken the painkillers, Kao was finally able to relax. He adjusted the seat and leaned back on it, closing his eyes. The effect of the painkillers started to kick in and Kao fell into a much-needed slumber.

His body needed rest after all the running around he had to do as the elder brother of the groom in the one-week-long wedding.

A few hours had already passed before Kao woke up.  His eyes squinted at the bright light filtering into the car through the car window. He yawned and stretched himself.

He got out of the car and looked at the empty road in front of him. Lighting up a cigarette, he leaned against the bonnet of the car. Thankfully, he had parked the car under a tree, so the scorching heat of the sun hadn’t hit his car in full force.

After a few puffs of the cigarette, he felt his brain gaining the clarity he was longing for.

He pulled out his phone and opened the hidden file inside its gallery. The file was filled with photos of Earth that he didn’t want to delete even after convincing himself that he wasn’t going to proceed with the whole confession thing.

Seeing the smiling face on the screen a smile involuntarily crept to Kao’s lips. It took him a while to understand that he was smiling wide just by seeing a picture.

At that very moment, Kao knew what his heart wanted. He no longer wanted to prolong the war going on between his heart and his brain. He decided to follow his heart. He couldn’t fight it anymore. It was useless to fight it.

He realized it. He realized that he would regret it soon if he continued to be in denial of his feelings.

“You are such an idiot, Kao,” Kao said to himself rereading the latest chat he had with Earth. He sighed and shook his head at his own stupidity.

He threw away the cigarette butt and dialled his secretary’s number. He instructed his secretary to clear his schedule for the time being. He knew that he was going to need a few days off.

An undeniable sense of excitement ignited within him as he got into the driver’s seat.

“Come on, Kao, you can do this. You have got this.” He cheered himself as he ignited the car engine. “All the best, Kao.” He shifted the gear and got back to the road knowing well enough that the drive was going to be a long one.

Turning on the music, he smiled widely.

Just a glance, into your eyes
All my heart, blown away
Your gaze kills thousands of hearts
When you look at me, I’m in danger

Though I’m far away from you
As if you pull me in
If I stay any longer
It’d be irresistible, I can’t hold on

Just getting to know you, it turns out you are way too gorgeous

You melt all of my heart
It’s like being cursed again and again
There’s no way to escape, all I could do is smile
Just looking at you sit at that table, my heart is melting

He hummed along to the song. He was in a good mood. Tapping the steering wheel with the beat of the song. The song was fuelling the giddy feeling he had.

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