72. Friends

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"Those bloody bastards!" Sammy was enraged upon hearing what happened to Earth. She wanted to beat those students to a pulp for laying their hands on Earth.

Fluke smiled warily seeing her reaction. She had always been more protective of Earth than anyone else.

He had already made her swear on herself that she wouldn't breathe a word about it to others. He felt that it wouldn't be right to keep such a big matter from her.

Even if Fluke hadn't made her promise him to keep everything a secret,  she wouldn't have told a soul about it. As a girl, she knew better than anybody what the consequences would be if the news got out. She understood well enough that if the news got out, Earth would have to face severe bullying from others, not only in their school but also outside the school.

And none of them wanted that to happen. They had to keep everything under wraps. 

"You need to calm down, Sammy. " Prem patted her shoulder.

" To hell with your calming down. " She glared murderously at Prem. " Just tell me where those bastards are and I will make them regret ever being born today. " She clenched her fists tightly.

"There's nothing we can do, Sammy. They were arrested by the police that day and I don't think they are going to see the light of the day anytime soon." Fluke added.

"What do you mean taken away by the police?" Sammy frowned. It wouldn't be a good idea to involve the police since she knew that they were bribed by JJ's family. If that happened then he and his friends would escape unscathed.

"P' JJ and his friends snuck in drugs to our school. They were partying with those players from Dynamos when a  fight broke up and someone got stabbed. Police arrived and arrested all of them from the scene and took them to the hospital to get their injuries treated. They were tested for drugs and the results were positive. The drug squad took over the case from there." Fluke told her the partial truth covering up the fact that he and Prem were actually the ones who beat them up.

"Someone got stabbed?" Sammy was shocked. "Who got stabbed and by whom?" She shook Fluke's hand for answers.

Prem's breath hitched at Sammy's question. This matter had made him sleepless through the weekend.

"Stop shaking me, Sammy! I am starting to feel dizzy!" Fluke spoke. He could feel Prem tensing up next to him. 

"Oh? Sorry." Sammy let go of Fluke and asked again. "Who got stabbed, Fluke? Is it someone from our school?"

"I am not so sure, Sammy. I heard that it was the goalkeeper of the Dynamos. The whole team was tested for drugs you know. As for the one who stabbed, I heard that the knife had P' JJ's fingerprint." Fluke answered.

Prem looked at Fluke in utter shock and fear. He had no idea how his fingerprint had turned into JJ's before the police arrived. He was scared shitless for the past few days. It looked like he needed to have a talk with Fluke on this matter.

"But what about Earth's matter? Are they not going to get any punishment for that?" Sammy was worried. Since Earth's parents weren't around, she didn't know what they should be doing at the moment to seek justice for their front.

She held Fluke's hand and spoke. "Fluke, we have to do something. Even if they were tested for drugs they would only be sent to a rehabilitation centre or something and would escape the punishment. We have to make them pay for what they did to him."

"You should relax, Sammy." Fluke was starting to have a headache. 

"Fluke!!! How could you say that? How could you ask me to relax?" Sammy growled at him. 

"You should relax because P' Kao has been taking care of everything. He will definitely handle it better than the three of us." Fluke stated in a calm voice.


"Sammy stop screaming. My ears are starting to bleed." Fluke and Prem covered their ears. "And keep your voice low. We don't want the whole school to know."

"Then tell everything!" Sammy puffed her cheeks.

"Earth and P' Kao are a couple. They are officially dating." Fluke said with a smile.

"WHAT???" Sammy and Prem screamed in unison.

"When did that happen?" Prem asked.

"The day before yesterday. P' Kao took him home and confessed his feelings. Earth forgave him and agreed to date him."

Prem pouted at the thought that he didn't get to witness the confession.

"Wait a minute. You didn't know about this?" Sammy asked Prem.

"I did know that P' Kao was back and he was planning to confess to Earth. He was the one who saved Earth and even punched that guy. But I didn't know that he already confessed everything." Prem sulked.

"How come I was the only one who missed out on so much detail?" Sammy whined as slumped onto the couch.

"Go shopping with those girls for some more time, then you will get to know a lot more," Fluke said sarcastically.

"Isn't it because none of you want to accompany me to shop?" Sammy said with a tone of complaint.

"You can spend a whole day shopping Sammy and we will be only following you around to carry your shopping bags." Prem retorted.

"Two weeks ago I saw you in the mall shopping with Kate, Prem. You have time to accompany your girlfriend but don't have time to accompany your friend." Sammy scoffed.

"That is the difference between a girlfriend and a friend." Prem made a face at Sammy. "It is not my fault that you can't find a boyfriend for yourself."

"What did you just say?" Sammy picked up the cushions to attack Prem. She felt aggrieved.

"Alright, alright." Fluke stood in between Sammy and Prem.  "Prem, that was rude. Apologize to Sammy." He commanded.

Prem pouted but didn't dare to disobey Fluke. "I am sorry. I shouldn't have said that."

Sammy finally let go of the cushion and sat back down on the seat. 

"Sammy, if you ever want to go shopping, just tell me. I will accompany you." Fluke tried to appease Sammy.

She glanced at her friend. She felt a little better but didn't show it in her face. "Fame will kill me if she knows that you were accompanying me."

"She won't do anything to you, Sammy. Even if she does, just tell me. I will handle it." Fluke assured her.

Sammy stared at Fluke for a few minutes with narrowed eyes. "Is that a promise?"

"Yes, it's a promise." Fluke was relieved to see Sammy loosen up.

"You can't back out now," Sammy warned.

"Okay" Fluke chuckled

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