48. First attack

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The three-year-old Earth and Fluke were sitting on the playground, making a sand castle with the mould. They were so immersed in what they were doing that they didn’t notice a bunch of older kids sneaking near to them quietly.

“BOO” the bunch of kids jump scared the two little ones together.

The two little ones were so scared that they screamed and started crying in horror, dropping the moulds they held to the sand castle they built. The sand castle collapsed by the impact.

The bunch of kids stood around them and laughed out loud. They found the two crying little ones funny. They mocked the kids for crying like girls and called them scaredy-cats.

Little Fluke was quick to gain composure, even though sniffling, glared at the bunch. He didn’t like the bunch of kids pointing fingers at them and laughing. But his mood took a hundred and eighty-degree turn when he noticed Earth’s condition.

Earth was gasping for air, clenching his chest. He seemed to be in great pain and was hyperventilating.

The older kids got frightened and ran away leaving Fluke alone to handle Earth.

Earth was so frightened by the jump scare that he had a panic attack. This was the first time he was having a panic attack.

Fluke was clueless about what to do. He was too young to know what was going on. he looked around to see if there were any grown-ups to whom he could ask for help. But the playground was completely abandoned with not a single soul to be seen.

He regretted sneaking out of the house with Earth to play in the playground without the elders’ permission. Only if he had actually waited for an elder to accompany them to the playground, he wouldn’t have had to deal with this all by himself.

Being born into a doctor's family, his upbringing didn’t let him leave Earth behind to go find help. He knew he had to stay with Earth.

He too was crying as he went ahead and hugged the trembling Earth. “Earth, Earth, those bullies are gone. It’s only me and you.” He said choking on his tears.

No matter how much Fluke tried to calm Earth, it was of no use. Earth’s condition was getting worse.

“Earth, Earth. I- I learned t- that song you l-liked the other d- day. I will s- sing it for you.” Fluke sobbed and started singing.

You are a bird
that never learned to fly
you have never been able
to use your wings
Drunken gods
raffled your faith
you were born in a dark nest
to suffer from cold

listen how the garden tree's
dove sings quietly
on the sky there's a moon
the wind sighs, too

The song was one of Earth’s favourites. He would immediately cheer up when he heard this song no matter how sad he was. That was why Fluke decided to give it a go.

Sure enough. As the song progressed Earth slowly started calming down. The frown between his brows started straightening.

“FLUKE! EARTH!” Ja and Mean [1], who were searching for the two little kids who sneaked out of the house unnoticed by adults, called out when they saw the kids crying beneath the big tree of the playground.

“P’ Ja, P’ Mean.” Fluke cried in relief.

“What happened here? What is going on with Earth?” Ja asked his cousin.

“I don’t know phi. We were making sandcastles here and a few big kids came from behind and scared us and Earth started being like this.” Fluke managed to finish the sentence between his sobs.

“Ja, let’s take Earth back home.” Mean spoke looking at Ja.

Ja nodded in response and picked up the weak Earth. Mean picked up Fluke and followed Ja.

“Mae… Mae…” Ja yelled entering the house carrying Earth in his arms.

Beau, Ja’s mother rushed over to the living room hearing Ja’s fanatic cries. She was worried that something bad had happened to her nephew. His parents had left him in her and her husband’s care and had gone to work in another city. She couldn’t afford to have anything happen to the lovely kid.

“Mae, please take a look at Earth. He doesn’t seem well.” Ja laid Earth on the couch.

Beau was shocked to see how flushed Earth’s face was. The little one was covered in sweat. Her doctor instincts told her that something wasn’t right.  “What happened to him? Fluke, come here and tell me what happened.” She eyed her nephew.

Fluke climbed down from Mean’s arms and went to his aunt. He recited everything that happened in the playground and how Earth was reacting. The little one was almost traumatized by the experience.

Beau listened to Fluke and then examined Earth. “Looks like he had an episode of panic attack.” She muttered to herself. She then turned to her son. “Ja, go and call Darla and Mac over. They must be worried sick.”

Ja nodded and ran out of the house to execute his mother’s orders with Mean in toe.

Fluke stood at the side watching his aunt administer first aid to Earth with glossy eyes. He felt guilty.

Soon, Darla and Mac came running. They were relieved that the kids were found and at the same time stressed when they heard Earth had collapsed in the playground.

“What happened to Earth, phi?” Darla asked Beau hurriedly.

“Earth got frightened by some kids in the playground and had a panic attack,” Beau answered.

“Panic attack?” Mac’s eyes widened upon hearing the term.

Beau nodded and continued “Did he ever show any signs of such episodes before.” She stated the procedural enquiry required to complete the diagnosis.

The three adults conversed with each other about the attack and how it was going to affect Earth. Fluke who was listening to the conversation understood most of it and felt helpless.

“P’ Beau, is Earth's condition really serious?” Mac asked eyeing his sleeping son worriedly.

“Currently it is not serious, but I can’t guarantee about the future,” Beau said professionally.

“Phi, do you mean to say that such attacks can happen in future?” Darla was scared. Her family members did have a history of panic attacks. She didn’t expect that Earth had inherited it from her.

Even though she was not very familiar with the attacks she had seen her cousin collapsing due to the panic attack once and that was terrifying for her.

“I am afraid so, Darla.” Beau glanced at the three-year-old on the couch and patted Darla’s shoulders. “I think it would be better if you let him stay here for tonight for observation.” She suggested.

Mac and Darla looked at each other before agreeing to Beau.

“You should go back and get a change of clothes for Earth. His clothes are all dirty.” Beau pointed at Earth’s clothes that was covered in mud and sweat.

“I will go get it.” Mac volunteered. Darla stayed behind to take care of her son.

“P’ Di, please show them the guestroom,” Beau said to the house help. “Also get Fluke cleaned up.”

The house help nodded and led Darla who was carrying Earth to the guestroom before taking little Fluke to give him a bath. 

[1] Mean - Ja's friend, a child from the neighbourhood

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