63. Knife

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"Are we interrupting a party here, phi?" Fluke put on his adorable smile and tilted his head looking extremely cute at that moment.

Prem was having a hard time keeping things together. He badly wanted to punch everyone in the room. but he didn't dare act up without Fluke's consent.

He could feel the bone-chilling coldness in Fluke's tone. Others might not notice it under the sweet smile his friend had on his face, but, having known Fluke for years, he could easily detect the change better than others.

"No. We were just..." JJ chuckled awkwardly. "We were just hanging out."

"Oh, I see." Fluke smiled again causing Tal's heart to beat like crazy.

"Nong Fluke, what brings you here?" Tal asked trying to gain Fluke's attention.

Fluke turned his gaze towards the senior who seemed to be mesmerized by his smile. "I just came to give phi-phi something."

"Give us something?" JJ was confused. He didn't remember asking Fluke to bring him anything. The only probability he could think of was that it had something to do with the incident that evening. But Fluke's expression was very friendly. So, he ruled out that probability. He thought that Fluke might not have found out about their involvement in the whole thing.

"How did you get here, Fluke?" JJ couldn't hold his curiosity back and asked.

"By walking?" Fluke chuckled. He felt nothing but disgust while facing the hypocritical bunch of seniors.

 The other players in the room cracked their expressions. They didn't dare laugh as the situation was delicate and they were in a rather awkward position.

"Fluke, that was not what I was asking." JJ used almost all of his willpower to remain calm and sweet despite being ridiculed by Fluke.

"I will tell you, phi. Before that what were we talking about? Uhm... yes, Fame. We were talking about Fame." Fluke watched the slight drop in JJ's expression. 

"Fame... she isn't the female version of you, phi. She has many imperfections and flaws. Yet she is so loving and caring." He walked past JJ. "And she is not the one who has me wrapped around her fingers but it's the other way around. As long as I tell her to do something, she will blindly follow my words."

Fluke halted and turned to JJ "There is one more thing that you have gotten wrong phi." He slowly made his way back to JJ with the sweetest smile on his face. "I never idolized you." 

In a blink of an eye, he raised his leg and stomped heavily on JJ's lower thigh causing the latter to collapse to the floor, groaning. "Do you know why?" 

He squatted down, grabbed a handful of JJ's hair and pulled it, making the older face him. "Simply because a.douchebag.like.you.doesn't.deserve.to.be.Idolized." Fluke stood up and kicked JJ in the groin region.

Everyone gathered in the room could feel the pain inflicted by the kick. They were terrified by the sudden change of events.

"What the hell are you going?" Tal rushed over angrily.

Fluke paid no heed to Tal. He ignored everyone else in the room, directing all the revolting emotions within his towards JJ. Out of nowhere, he grabbed a hockey stick and smashed it right into JJ's jaw, sending him flying.

JJ's body crashed into the concrete pillar in the middle of the hall-like room and fell to the ground.

Fluke walked over to JJ whose face was contorted in pain. "Do you know what I am here to give?" he asked with a smirk. He looked down at the senior student. "A taste of your own medicine. Don't you have the habit of ruining others' lives and aspirations? Now, I am going to ruin your biggest aspiration, the aspiration to be a basketball player. From today onwards you will never be able to stand without the help of support, much less play basketball." He smiled eerily. "I hope you like this return gift."

JJ held his legs and groaned in pain. Fluke's assault was directly on his knee. He wasn't completely sure of the damage it caused. But he was sure that a bone or two had broken from extricating pain that shot up from his legs.

As soon as Fluke finished speaking, the entrance to the hallway was blocked. "No one is leaving until I am done. So, who is next?"

Prem had never seen Fluke go all out like that. He didn't even know when Fluke brought the hockey stick with him and how the entrance got blocked while they were talking.

The players in the hall were frozen on the spot. They realized that the sweet angel that was standing before them a few minutes ago was the Grim Reaper in disguise. They looked at each other and attacked Fluke in unison, yelling all the way to show their strength.

Prem who had been standing behind Fluke like a statue all this while, understood that it was his cue to get started. Without any second thought, Prem attacked the incoming group.

Fights were not new to Prem. He always fought. But this case was different. Usually, he had to hold back because Fluke would scold him for getting into trouble. This time Fluke himself had initiated the fight which meant that he didn't have to hold back just like he always wanted.

Contrary to Prem, Fluke rarely got into fights, mainly because he is almost always accompanied by Earth. Even if he gets into fights, those would be verbal. He rarely got handsy during fights. But that didn't mean that he didn't know how to fight. He was trained by professional mercenaries from a young age in various martial arts.

The duo together didn't find it much difficult to handle the whole bunch. Within seconds, most of them on the flood were bleeding and groaning. They were now handling the last two standing members.

They had taken down most of the members. The few remaining ones turned out to be tougher ones.

Prem was fighting was bulky and full of muscles built up by steroids. He was having a difficult time fighting the guy. Just when Prem felt that he found an opening to take his opponent down, the guy pulled out a knife.

His eyes widened at the sight of the knife. The guy tried to stab him with the knife. He luckily managed to grab the guy's wrist and prevent being stabbed. He tried to twist the guy's wrist so that he would drop the knife but unfortunately the opponent's grip on the knife.

During the push and pull to get rid of the knife, the direction of the blade of the knife turned to the opponent. With a tight pull, Prem lost his footing and the knife stabbed right into the opponent's abdomen. Fresh blood started oozing out of the newly formed wound, colouring his hands.

The bulky guy groaned loudly holding the bloody wound and collapsed to the ground in pain. Prem was shaken by the sight. He looked at the bleeding senior with the knife that pierced into his abdomen and then at his own hands that was soaked in blood.

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