74. Details

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"You can drop the honorifics and start calling us Por and Mae, Kao," Mac said when he heard Kao address them as uncle and aunt as he used.

He really liked Kao. He was proud that Earth was able to make Kao his boyfriend. 

"Khrab, Por" Kao smiled. He wasn't expecting to be accepted by Earth's family this fast. He had in fact anticipated that he might have a hard time getting their approval. 'No wonder Earth was quick to admit everything' 

He had always known that Earth's parents were open-minded people who cared more about their child's happiness than social norms.

"Kao... about the case..." Mac tried to start the conversation on the real topic of importance. 

On the way back, Beau had told them about the incident. But Beau herself didn't know the whole story. 

"You don't have to worry about that, Por. I have already arranged for my men to handle it." Kao replied seriously.

"Kao, we want to know what actually happened there," Darla spoke up. She wanted to have a clearer picture of the whole incident.

"I was planning on fetching Earth from school that day. Fluke and Prem were also there to accompany me. As you know, I was pretty rude to Earth back in Bangkok. I was afraid that he wouldn't talk to me if I went alone." Kao blushed in embarrassment.

He went on to explain how they heard from a student that Earth was tricked into going back into the school building and how they went in as they felt that there was something fishy. He also explained the situation in which they found Earth being harassed.  

"Those students are habitual assaultants. We found out that they are not only involved in using drugs but also have been bullying fellow students to the extent that few of them had tried to commit suicide." Kao added.

Mac and Darla were shocked to hear it. "Then, why didn't anyone report them to the police?"

"Reports were made, Por. But the police refused to take any action. JJ, the leader of the group, is the son of the mayor. The whole police department is under his control. Even when lung Tom and I went to the station to file a case, they were so nonchalant about it that I wanted to punch them badly."

Kao's eyes were burning in anger as the scene in the police station replayed in his head.

"Then, what do we do now?" Darla was distressed.

Even though they were not poor, they were only a middle-class family. It was true that they didn't have to struggle day-to-day to make ends meet but they didn't have many connections when it came to the power struggle.

Ordinary people like them couldn't do against powerful people like the Mayor of the province.

"Mae, I think you are forgetting who I am," Kao said with a smile. "I am the Heir of the Dechaphatthanakun family, Mae."

Darla looked at Kao in surprise.

"It is true that I don't like using my family's resources for my personal gain, but when it comes to people like these, it is necessary for me to show them their place, " Kao said assuringly.

"What do you mean Kao? Did you make them file the case?" Darla asked with teary eyes.

"Of course, Mae. Not only did I file the case but also reported those policemen to the higher authorities. Most of them have been suspended for taking bribes while the others were transferred out to remote regions for duty." Kao was trying his best not to look smug in front of Earth's parents.

"But, won't the Mayor interfere? I heard he is a tyrant." Mac said worriedly. Even if they did manage to get to file the case the Mayor will definitely try to protect his son and when the time comes they might have a hard time dealing with him.

"Be rest assured, Por. He won't do anything. The elections are near. He wouldn't dare kick up a fuss unless he has no plans on continuing his political career." Kao stated confidently.

"Are you sure Kao?" Mac still had his concerns.

"I am sure, Por. Moreover, the people who had been supporting the Mayor wouldn't be helping in the matter as  they wouldn't want to get their hands dirty in this matter." 

In the cases pressed against those students, the victims were minors. It could get really dirty if someone wanted to clean it up under his nose.

 Kao could say that no one would step forward to help the Mayor so confidently because he knew that the latter's biggest supporter was none other than his own uncle, Saen.

Saen was the kind who liked to play the game standing behind the scenes. He wouldn't go up front and confront Kao in any case, especially when the case related to a small fry like the Mayor, who was a disposable pawn in his game. He would rather stab someone in the back than fight head-on.

His uncle only supported the Mayor to extend his power in the Chiang Mai Province. As elections are near even the Mayor's supporters may make another representative out of them to take the role.

Mac and Darla still seemed to be not convinced about the success rate of the issue.

"The newly appointed police officers are good people with principles. I have already talked to them about not mentioning Earth's or any other victim's names for the proceeding of the case. So even if the media or anyone from the opposition party gets to know about this matter none of the victims will be dragged along." Kao could understand the couple's concerns.

If the news of their child being molested got out, the one who would be pointed at and pitied would be their child himself. The society would never let him forget the incident his whole life.

"Thank you, Kao" Mac and Darla said simultaneously. They were really grateful that Kao was helping them sort things out.

"There is nothing that you have to thank me for Por-Mae. I am only doing this for my boyfriend." Kao replied with a triumphant smile.

The last sentence somehow irked the couple. No matter how they reacted to the news of their only son dating Kao, it didn't mean that they were completely happy with the fact.

"I am actually planning to stay here and deal with everything. I don't plan on going back to Bangkok until all the dust is settled." Kao said as he didn't notice the couple's reaction to his previous statement.

"Oh, That's very sweet of you Kao" Darla didn't know if she should hide her sarcasm. Partially she was thankful to Kao for being thoughtful but a part of her was being possessive over her son, not wanting the big bad wolf to rob him away so early.   

Oblivious to his future in-laws thoughts, Kao grinned ear to ear. 

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