37. Learning materials

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"This is it? " Earth nervously eyed the USB in Fluke's hand.

"Uh-huh," Fluke nodded. "These are the mildest ones I could find. "

" How did you get your hands on these? " Earth whispered.

" It's easily available on the internet, buddy. Then again, I didn't get it from the internet. I got it from elsewhere. ".  Fluke bragged.

" From elsewhere? " Earth paused as he thought of a possibility. " Tell me honestly, Fluke. Who gave this to you? "

Fluke smiled widely at his best friend. "I asked P' Ja. "

"WHAT? " Earth facepalmed. “You asked P’ Ja? Out of all people, you have got no one else to ask other than P’ Ja?”

"You don't have to be so worked up about this. P' Ja is cool on this matter. " Fluke console.

"Damn it, bitch" Earth huffed and started walking to the school gate. His face had turned a deep shade of pink.

"Earth, wait for me. " Fluke rushed to catch up with him. " Why are getting mad now? It is not uncommon for people our age to be interested in all these. It is completely natural. "

Earth glared at Fluke but said nothing.

"Asking for guidance from seniors is the best way to learn new knowledge.” Fluke continued.

Earth halted all of a sudden causing Fluke to pause and eye his friend who was looking for something on the ground. Fluke watched as Earth picked up a stone from the ground.

" What did you say? Seeking guidance from seniors? " Earth grinned threateningly at Fluke.

Danger alarm went on in Fluke's mind as he knew what his friend was about to do. Before Earth could do anything, Fluke started running for his dear life.

"Stop right there you little shit. " Earth chased Fluke. "You already know that P' Ja had misunderstood us and now you went and asked him for this. He must have thought something else again. " Earth was so pissed that he wanted to drown Fluke in a bucket of water.

"Relax, Earth. There is no misunderstanding. I clarified to him that the other day he had misinterpreted us. I also returned all the stuff he gave us that night." Fluke justified while dodging the incoming rain of stones that Earth directed his way "P' Ja already knows about you and P' Kao. "

"What? " Earth froze, letting the stones he had picked up to throw at Fluke fall to the ground. "He knows? P' Ja knows? How on earth does he know? Did you tell him? " He started freaking out.

"No. why would I tell him? Anyone who has seen you two interacts with each other can clearly see it as long as they are not mentally challenged. You two emit such a pink aura when you are together that no one can ignore it. " Fluke scoffed.

Earth was still distressed about others knowing about his crush on Kao. He was not afraid that people would find out about his sexuality but Kao was a different case. He didn’t want people to say things about the older when he himself was not sure of Kao’s sexuality. He didn’t want Kao to keep his distance from him because of the rumours that people might create about him.

“Earth, you don’t have to be so stressed about it. P’ Ja won’t tell anyone. In fact, recently found out that P’ Ja himself has a boyfriend, whom he had been dating since freshman year.” Fluke patted a frowning Earth.

“What? P’ Ja has a boyfriend?”

“That is what I heard from his friends. Not only that. I also found that P’ Ja also had a boyfriend while in high school. They broke up later and his ex-boyfriend went to Bangkok. His current boyfriend is from another faculty or something. P’ Ja had to put in a lot of effort to woo him. So, if you want any tips in pursuing P’ Kao, you can ask for his help.”

“Earth! Fluke!” Sammy called out as she ran towards the duo closely following Prem.

“Why didn’t you two wait for us?” Prem questioned.

Earth suddenly panicked. He didn’t want Prem or Sammy to know that he was going to watch learning materials on ‘what to do if you get laid’. He fanatically hid the USB behind him.

“What is that? What are you hiding?” Earth’s actions only invited more of Sammy’s attention.

“It’s porn,” Fluke said nonchalantly with his hands still snaked around Earth’s neck.

Earth elbowed Fluke while turning a bright shade of pink.

“Really? Can I join you?” Sammy asked enthusiastically.

Prem shot her a weird gaze.

Fluke just smiled at her and hooked his hands around Prem’s neck pulling him closer.  “I am sorry Sammy. It is guys only.”

“But why?” Sammy whined. “This is twenty-first century Fluke. Girls nowadays do watch porn.”

“It’s gay porn Sammy,” Fluke said calmly.

Sammy seemed even more excited at the news. “I really want to watch it now. I have always wanted to know how two men did it.” The fujoshi in her spoke.

Fluke chuckled. “I would have loved to let you join but are you sure that it will be okay for you to watch it while he jacks off?” he pointed at Earth.

Sammy’s smile faded as she grimed at the idea. “Maybe I shouldn’t be watching with you guys.”

“I can give you a copy if you want.” Fluke offered.

“I think that would be better.” Sammy agreed. She parted ways with the boys and went home.

The trio entered Fluke’s villa not too far away from their homes. The villa belonged to Fluke’s parents and they used to stay there whenever they visited Chiang Mai. Fluke practically lived with his grandparents, uncle and his family and the villa was most often left uninhabited.

Since none of them wanted to get caught watching porn. Hence, they chose to watch it at Fluke’s villa where none of the adults were present.

“You keep him company,” Fluke said to Prem after setting up the video on the tv screen. He made sure that it was not connected to the home theatre speakers as he didn’t want the neighbours to know a bunch of kids were watching porn at their place.

“Me?” Prem pointed at himself. “Why me?” he didn’t want to watch gay porn in the first place. He hadn’t even watched normal porn videos before much less gay. He wasn’t really sure if he should watch it but his curiosity got him there.

“Because Earth doesn’t want to watch it alone.” Fluke picked up his bag. He had already changed out of the school uniform.

“Where are you going? Why can’t you keep him company?” Prem asked exasperatedly.

“I wish I could. But I am meeting Fame for dance practice.” Fluke slung his bag on his shoulders. “Have fun both of you.” He kissed Prem on his cheeks before he left.

A stunned Prem was left with a blushing Earth to watch two men in action on screen.

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