14. Distance

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"P' Kao, will you be coming to P' Alan's wedding?" Kao heard his cousin ask from the other side of the call.

He was on a call with Ohm and Boun. As the stay had prolonged more than the initial planned period, the two younger ones were worried about him.

Alan was Kao's cousin and Boun's eldest brother. He was just a few months younger than Kao and was the second in line to inherit the Dechaphatthanakun empire. Unlike Kao who had set up his own business, Alan had directly joined the empire and created his own place within it as one of the senior executives.

"I will think about it." Kao rubbed the back of his neck trying to ease his exhaustion.

"Khun Yay really wants you to attend the wedding ceremony. She doesn't want others to think that we are not on good terms with each other." Ohm said.

Kao and Ohm were not really close to Alan especially after he had a beef with Boun two years ago. The three cousins treated Alan as a stranger rather than a family member.

"Can't she just make some excuse? Like I went abroad or something? They won't know where I am." Kao sounded frustrated.

"I don't know, Phi. She is already mad that you are not the one marrying Merlin." Ohm sighed.

Merlin was the daughter of one of their business partners. She was the same age as Boun and Ohm and went to the same university as them. Her parents had proposed her marriage to Kao which he declined as he had a girlfriend back then.

Kao's grandmother was unwilling to let go of the marriage alliance with Merlin's family. Hence, Merlin ended up being Alan's fiancé. It was purely a business deal for them.

"And that is exactly why I don't want to attend it. She will most probably introduce me to some girl who is attending the wedding." Kao picked up one of the books from the table and sat on the bed.

"So, what Phi? Aren't you single now? Why not give it a try? There is no harm in meeting a match." Ohm suggested.

"Don't you know your Khun Yay, Ohm? If I agree to meet someone, she will directly arrange the wedding for me. Also, just because I am single that doesn't mean that I am willing to be with just anyone." Kao filled through the pages.

"I was just saying. You don't have to do it if you aren't willing to." Kao could hear Ohm shrug at the other end of the phone.

"Let's talk about something else. How's your university? Are you and Boun coping with the place?" He readjusted his position on the couch and sat comfortably.

"Kind of. We joined the swimming club here. It is not bad. The training and stuff keep us busy. It is much more relaxing than our high school anyway." Ohm chuckled.

Ohm and Boun had attended the same Aristocratic high school that Kao went to. The school was extremely strict and demanded complete obedience from the students.

"That's good to hear." Kao smiled.

Earth entered the room with his school bag and was surprised to see Kao sitting in his room.

"Ohm, I will call you back later. Bye." Kao hung up the phone and looked at Earth who was standing at the door.

"Swadee Earth."

"Swadee Khrab P' Kao." Earth greeted. "What are you doing here, Khrab?"

"Nothing. Just waiting for you."

"Waiting for me? Is there anything I can help you with?"

"How did your exam go?"

It was the last day of Earth's midterm exams.

"Usual. It was not too bad."

"Since your exams are over, shall we hang out?" Kao closed the book and set it aside.

"No phi. I am kind of tired. I have been pulling all-nighters the whole week. I have to catch up on my sleep." Earth lied.

He had been trying to avoid Kao for a while now. He used preparation for the exam as an excuse to stop visiting Kao's house. But Kao insisted on helping him with his study. Earth ended up inviting Fluke, Prem and Sammy over to study so that he wouldn't have to spend time alone with Kao. Kao ended up tutoring all four of them.

As for why Earth was doing this, he himself didn't know.

Kao narrowed his eyes listening to Earth's reply. "Okay. You take a rest tonight. Tomorrow we can go out."

"I don't think I can go tomorrow phi. If you have anywhere to go, then I will ask P' Meg [1] to accompany you."

"Why? You have already got plans for tomorrow?" Kao was puzzled.

"Khrab. Our school's sports day is coming soon. So, we have to do cheerleading practice." Earth made up an excuse.

"Oh?" Kao was disappointed. He could sense that somehow the younger was trying to keep a distance from him these days and the fact annoyed him. "You don't have to disturb Meg. I will just ask Fluke to tag along."

"Khrab." Earth nodded with a small smile.

"Then I will get going." Kao felt that the atmosphere in the room was getting weirder as he found Earth feeling uncomfortable with his presence.

Earth moved away from the door allowing Kao to leave.

Kao's frown deepened as Earth closed the door behind him. He felt that there was something terribly wrong with Earth. He pulled out his phone and dialled Fluke's number.

"Fluke. Where are you? We need to meet." Kao said as soon as the call got through.


"Why did you want to meet me all of a sudden, Phi?" Fluke asked taking a seat opposite Kao.

"Did something happen to Earth at school?" Kao asked.

"Not that I know of. But he had indeed been acting weird nowadays. Like avoiding us for no apparent reason." Fluke had long noticed Earth's odd behaviour way before Kao did. Yet he never got an opportunity to ask him what was going on.

"He is avoiding you too?" Kao was surprised. He had assumed that the little one was keeping his distance from him alone.

Fluke nodded. "I did find it strange. But every time I try to talk to him, he will make some excuse and leave the place. The same goes for Prem and Sammy. He hadn't talked to them for a while as well."

Kao was silent for a while. "Doesn't he have cheerleading practice tomorrow?"

"I think so. Why phi?"

"You have practice as well, right? Can you try to talk to him tomorrow? Maybe he will tell you what is going on. We can't let it go on like this. What if it is something big and he actually needs our help?" Kao was seriously concerned about Earth.

In normal circumstances, Fluke would have teased Kao a bit but since the situation was complicated, he fought his urge to tease Kao within himself.

"Khrab phi. I was planning to do the same. But I can't guarantee that I can make him speak. I will try my best." Fluke agreed.

[1] Meg- one of the waiters at Earth's family restaurant

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