22. Disturbed

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"Way to go, Boun!" Kao clapped exaggeratedly. "You only went there for a few days and you actually managed to create such a big mess!" 

His eyes were spewing fire as he glared at his cousin. He was really agitated. Especially when he got a call from Boun's coach himself. "You went to Chiang Mai for a week to attend the competition and look what you have done."

Boun wanted to argue back but he knew that it would be better if he shut up. He was not completely innocent in the incident either. He had indeed started the whole thing. But it was unintentional. He had no idea that things would blow out of proportion for a small joke.

"What happened now, huh?" Kao asked challengingly. "Cat caught your tongue?"

"P' Kao, please calm down." Ohm didn't want to see Kao blow up over the incident.

"Where the hell have 'you' been when he was causing trouble?" Kao's attention was turned to Ohm.

"I just went to get a drink, phi. The café was a bit crowded and it took me a while to get back.  By the time I got back, he..." Ohm didn't bother to lie for Boun.

"Why on earth did you not take this troublemaker with you?" Kao pointed at Boun who was half laying on the bed with a cast on his left arm, a gauze over his forehead and a neck brace. "Don't you know that he shouldn't be left alone?" His voice was higher than usual.

"Phi, he is not a kid." Ohm was a little irritated. Not at Kao but at Boun for getting into a fight for a silly reason.

"I know he is not a goddamn kid." Kao gritted his teeth, shooting lasers at Boun with his eyes. "Kids wouldn't have such trouble keeping their pants on." he scoffed.

"Phi, I didn't actually want to make a move on that girl." Boun defended. "I swear that I wasn't even looking at her."

"Then why the hell did you do it for?" Kao asked exasperatedly.

"I wanted to hit on the little guy who was sitting with her," Boun replied. "I could swear that he was not a university student. A high schooler may be. he had chubby white cheeks and such kissable lips. I would do anything to get him to bed. I really wish I could touch his skin." He said dreamingly, remembering the younger male student who had managed to catch his eyes at first sight.

Kao felt that Boun really needed a good thrash as he saw that his cousin was still thinking of getting someone into his pants.

"Simmer Down, Phi. He is not going to change." Ohm held back Kao, who seemed like he wanted to beat the crap out of Boun.

Boun noticed Kao's reaction and quickly withdrew to the other end of the bed. "I was only speaking up my mind."

Ohm sighed audibly. He was so done with this cousin of his. "Boun, stop spewing nonsense and tell him what really happened so that he can deal with your punishment."

Boun pouted "I was about to say that. But P' Kao is overreacting today." He whined.

Kao shrugged off Ohm's hand holding back and went over to sit on the couch on which Ohm previously sat. Boun was right, he was overreacting and that was not because Boun got into trouble. Boun often got into trouble and he was used to it. but this time it was different.

Different, because, Boun's coach had called Kao to let him know that Boun was hospitalized while he was out on a date with Earth. He had little to no time to spend together with the youngster after he returned to his office. Hence, he cherished every single second he could spend together with him.

After the day Earth had confessed to him, the youngster had found several excuses to make him go on dates with him. Up to a large degree, he was happy about the change. It was the first time he was being pursued by someone sincerely. All the attention he was getting from the youngster, the minute actions that mirror the fact that Earth was head over heels for him, made him look forward to more.

He had been a coward to date not daring to confess his feelings out loud. But still, he felt that the current situation was better.

"He is right, phi. You are being overly sensitive today. Is something bothering you, Phi?" Ohm frowned. "Is everything alright in the office?"

Kao rubbed his forehead forcefully. "It is nothing. I am just stressed about the upcoming event. Just leave it." he stared at Boun. "Are you going to continue or not?"

"Khrab. I will say. I will say." Boun gulped nervously and started talking.

"I was with sitting with the other swimming club members when that group came and sat on the table next to us. I was ogling over that guy when P' Moon [1] thought that I was looking at the girl. He, along with other club members cheered me on, asking me to hit on her. The guy was totally my type that I wanted to make a move as well."

He paused, peeking at Kao who seemed to have calmed down and was listening to his story.

"The girl was next to him and was blocking my way. So, I just politely asked her to move so that I could talk to that kid. But, P' Moon and others started catcalling and whistling that they misunderstood. The guy punched me first, telling me to stay away from his Jie."

Boun looked at his cousins pitifully.

"I didn't even get to tell him that he was the one whom I actually wanted to talk to." Boun sighed feeling bad for himself.

"So, that kid was the one who turned you into this?" Kao looked at Boun from head to toe.

"No, Phi. It was the girl's boyfriend and his gang. My cutie just threw the first punch and stepped away to protect his Jie. When I got attacked, P' Moon and the rest came to my rescue and it became a big fight. My cutie got injured too." Boun said sadly.

"I can't believe that you are still in the mood to worry about someone when you are in this state." Ohm snickered.

"Take rest and get well soon. I will talk to your coach." Kao stood up to leave. "Ohm, stay with him. make sure that he takes food and medicines on time."

"Khrab, phi. I will keep an eye on him." Ohm replied.

Boun muttered something under his breath inaudibly, sulking at the fact that both his beloved cousins were giving him a stink eye.

"Good." Kao patted Ohm on his shoulders and exited the room.

[1] P' Moon- University Swimming club member.

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