51. Make up

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Shelly was looking for an opportunity to talk to Kao. But the latter seemed to be avoiding her at all costs.

She had accepted Alan’s invitation and was attending the wedding reception. The latter had introduced her to Kao’s parents as their son’s girlfriend. Just like Alan had told her, Kao’s parents were glad to meet her. Especially his mother. She was really happy to see her son’s girlfriend. Too happy.

Jane had even dragged Shelly to introduce her to Kao’s aunts. But soon the other guests arrived and she left to greet them leaving Shelly behind.

Shelly looked at the crowd of aristocrats in front of her. She had indeed dressed up to nines to impress Kao's family. But her whole outfit didn't seem to cost more than a ring Jane wore in her single finger. The luxury and grace was blinding her. So was her growing desire to have everything Jane currently had.

She felt so out of place despite the fact that her family was rich. She couldn’t find a single familiar face. It was too awkward for her to stay and it would be embarrassing to leave just like that.

She wandered around the place waiting for Kao to be alone. No matter how long she waited, Kao was always surrounded by people. She found it normal as he was the First young master of one of the wealthiest families. She couldn’t wait to get back together with Kao.

Hours passed by and the party was coming to an end. The guests started leaving one by one. Shelly tried to find a way to prolong her stay. She was yet to actually have a conversation with Kao.

“Excuse me, Khun.” Shelly heard a male voice behind her.

She turned around to see a waiter speaking to her. “Kha?”

“Are you Khun Shelly?” the waiter asked politely.

“Kha.” Shelly nodded.

“Khun Kao seemed to be too drunk. You would mind accompanying him back to his hotel room?”

The waiter’s question made Shelly’s face lit up. She knew that her opportunity had arrived. She happily agreed and followed the waiter.

The waiter led her to the room where Kao was sitting. He excused himself after showing her way.

Shelly’s eyes fell on Kao who had his eyes closed as he leaned against the backrest of the couch. He looked extremely hot in the customized black tuxedo. But now his bow tie was long gone. The first two buttons of his shirt were undone, revealing his firm chest.

Shelly felt her face heat up at the sight. She had never noticed Kao being so sexy despite having dated him for more than six years. She didn’t know why her heart was rising like a teenage girl who just met her crush when she was near her ex-boyfriend.

As if sensing her presence, Kao opened his eyes. “You really came,” Kao asked in a low husky voice. He small smile hung on his lips.

Shelly’s throat felt dry under Kao’s intoxicated gaze. This was the first time Kao was looking at her like that.

“Come here.” Kao beckoned her. Shelly abided by his command like a puppet and walked up to him. just as she reached next to him, Kao pulled her into his lap and kissed her aggressively.

Shelly screamed internally at the longing, passion and lust Kao showed through the kiss. she responded hungrily. She never imagined such an approach from Kao who rarely took initiative to get intimate with her while they were dating.

Soon enough the duo was in the hotel room. Kao threw Shelly into the soft bed. Shelly didn’t mind being manhandled like that. instead, she was excited. She watched in anticipation as Kao removed his tux and shirt and threw them to the side before climbing onto the bed.

Kao started kissing her aggressively. His lips left hers and trailed down her neck. Shelly clenched Kao’s hair, moaning as Kao nibbled on her skin leaving behind red marks.

With each second Kao seemed to be becoming more and more impatient. He didn’t bother to take off her dress. Instead, he forcefully tore it off, causing Shelly to yelp in excitement.

She quickly undid his belt and got rid of the clothes that were stopping her from reaching his member. She smiled widely seeing the fully aroused member standing tall and proud in front of her. Without wasting a second, she took him in her mouth. Bobbing her head, she did what she was best at.
Kao groaned and pushed himself into her mouth making her gag in reflex. He pumped into her mouth. When he felt that he was getting near, he mercilessly pushed her back to the bed.

Shelly giggled as Kao raised her legs and spit on her entrance. She moaned out loudly when Kao entered her in one go. His thrusts made her feel like she was about to lose her mind. She turned into a pile of mess as Kao ramped into her. The moans and groans of the duo filled the room. 

Kao came inside her and pulled out after fully emptying himself inside her. He was exhausted. He panted heavily. He dipped his head to pepper her face with slow soft kisses.

The kisses were filled with so much love and care that Shelly didn’t know what to feel. Kao was treating her with so much love despite the rough round of sex they just had, gave her butterflies in the pit of her stomach. She felt extremely guilty that she cheated on Kao.

This was the most amazing and wildest make-out session she ever had and thoroughly fell in love with it. She would surely encourage this rough size of Kao in bed in the future. She was sure that she would be able to bring out the dominant part of Kao to the bed.

She swore to herself that she was never leaving Kao, ever again. No matter how big of a fight they had, she would make up with him. there was no fight that couldn’t be solved in bed.

Her friends were right when they said that make-up sex was the best. Having had a taste of it, Shelly was unwilling to give it up. She couldn’t wait to get more of such make-out sessions and she anticipated much more action when Kao was not actually drunk.

Kao was already asleep next to her as she was celebrating her victory. She texted her friends that she had won him back before snuggling closer to Kao. She wrapped her hands around him. She was exhausted as well and soon drifted to dreamland.

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