62. Other guy

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Prem felt his legs turning numb from the awkward seating position. But still, he didn't dare to move, afraid that he would alert the people inside the room.

Fluke, on the other hand, seemed to have turned into a statue, staring unblinkingly at the laptop screen. Neither the constricted space nor the bloodthirsty mosquitoes buzzing around them seemed to affect him.

"By the way, the other one also looks good." Pole, the star player of the Dynamos said.

"The other one?" JJ furrowed his brows.

"The one that sang for the little guy," Pole smirked.

Prem saw one of the seniors walking over to the room from downstairs. He quickly shut the laptop screen that emitted light and pulled Fluke into a hiding place. The new position gave them a better view of what was happening in the room even without the help of the camera and laptop. 

JJ thought for a while trying to recall whom Pole was talking about. "You mean Fluke?" He guessed remembering the puffy-cheeked junior who sang on the opening day of the competition.

Pole nodded in glee. He had heard the name before but had forgotten it.

"Sorry dude, I have already called dibs on that one a long time ago. You will have to wait until I am done with him." The senior that Prem saw turned out to be Tal, one of JJ's best friends. walked in with a tray of syringes.

"No problem, man. As long as you are willing to share." Pole chuckled. "Sharing is caring after all." He high-fived Tal.

Prem glanced at Fluke. There was no reaction from his friend's part even though those jerks were talking about him. He gently squeezed Fluke's cold hands.

"But trapping him is not going to be easy. Especially after today. He is too intelligent for his own good." Tal said in a disappointed tone.

"It's all because of you, Kart." Pole threw the empty beer can at the guy with spectacles. "If you had been a bit more careful, we could have had Earth today and Fluke a few days later. Now it's all ruined."

The reason why Fluke was able to get there was because somebody had told him about the boy Kart had sent to lure Earth in. If not, Fluke and the others wouldn't have reached there and their plan would have succeded.

"I was careful, Pole. This is not the first time I am taking people." Kart defended. He was the official pimp of the group. He was the one who would bring in the prey that his friends requested even if it had to be done by force.

"I ensured that all his friends had gone home before luring him over. Little did I know that Fluke and that guy would come looking for him." He had heard that Fluke was out of the station. He wasn't expecting the younger guy to show up in the evening.

"You even got one of our hideouts exposed. I don't think Fluke is going to sit back and do anything. He will definitely report this to the authorities." Tal complained.

Prem's grip on Fluke's hand grew tighter, his knuckles turning white. They were right, Fluke wasn't going to let the matter slide.

"I didn't do it on purpose dude." Kart shot up in anger, turning to leave the gathering.

"Kart, sit back down," JJ commanded.

Kart quivered in fear. He didn't dare disobey JJ. He still needed JJ's help to keep himself safe. 

"But boss..." Kart wanted to say something but when he saw JJ's expression, he instantly knew he was better off silent. He went back to his seat.

"About Fluke, you guys don't have to worry," JJ said nonchalantly.

"Boss, have you sent men to deal with him too?" Oat asked in complete fanboy mode.

"No. we don't have to deal with him."

Fluke felt something within him shatter into pieces as his gaze lingered on the tall senior. He pushed away the rising pain inside his heart for trusting JJ too much in the past. He had to focus, for the sake of Earth, for the sake of their friendship.

"Then Boss won't he create trouble for us?" Tal asked. He didn't underestimate the little guy. 

Tal knew about Fluke's reputation. No one dared to mess with their group as long as Fluke was there. Not to mention Prem. The duo was known for being deadly protective of their friends. He didn't want to take chances going against the duo.

"Did you forget that he is dating my cousin?" JJ smirked. "Not to mention that he looks up to me a lot. As long as I tell him not to, he will never do it."

"But Boss. This is Earth's matter. It is said that he is very protective of Earth." Tal tried to reason.

"Tal, let me tell you something. Fame may be just my cousin. But she is the female version of me. She can manipulate anyone she wants. And now the one you are speaking of is her own boyfriend." JJ scoffed. "I am sure that she already has him wrapped up in her little finger."

Prem almost laughed out loud. He knew that Fame meant nothing more than a dance partner to Fluke. To hear that JJ actually thought that Fluke was dating Fame felt like a big joke to him.

"Will Fame help us?" Code asked. He wasn't really convinced.

"I will make her help." JJ smiled mysteriously. He knew how to make his little cousin bid to his wishes.

"Will your cousin be sad if we do her boyfriend?" Pole asked.

"She doesn't lack boys, she will find someone else sooner or later," JJ answered. He never liked the idea of Fame lingering around the boy he couldn't wait to taste. He had to separate them.

Suddenly Fluke stood up making Prem surprised. He no longer felt the need to hide. He walked over to the room.

Prem quickly followed Fluke. The latter's aura didn't seem right to him 

"She doesn't lack boys, but all boys are not me, phi." Fluke's voice resonated from the entrance of the hall in which all of the athletes were gathered.

Everyone in the hall swung their heads to the entrance to see Fluke entering the hall with Prem on his toe. Unlike Fluke, Prem couldn't hide his emotions. His anger was clearly shown in his burning eyes.

"Nong Fluke, Nong Prem." JJ put on his signature smile. His heart filled with an obnoxious feeling. He wondered how much of the conversation Fluke had heard.

Neither Fluke nor Prem bothered to wai at the older students in the hall, simply because they felt that these creeps didn't deserve to be respected.

Prem remained silent trying his best not to be the one to throw the first punch as they were severely outnumbered. But Fluke didn't care. He wore his angelic smile and walked over to JJ.

All the players were on alert due to the two uninvited guests. They had no idea how the two friends in front of them found them. 

"Are we interrupting a party here, phi?" Fluke tilted his head looking extremely cute at that moment.

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