41. Drunk

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Ohm frowned as he entered the noisy pub. He adjusted his mask and hat as he walked into the pub. The last thing he wanted was to get recognized by someone and get mobbed by his fans. Living the life of a celebrity was equal to having no privacy.

He walked past the dancing crowd, carefully making sure not to bump into anyone. His eyes were searching for a familiar figure. His gaze rested on the man lying on the bar counter. He walked up to him.

“P’ Kao” he slightly shook the drunk man.

Ohm hadn’t gone back to his dorm that night as he had a meeting with the crew of his next project. He was on his way to his condo when he got a call from Boun asking him to pick Kao up from the pub.

Boun told him that he had gotten a call from the bartender saying that Kao had passed out at the pub. Since Boun was already back in the dorm and it was way past the clock in time, he couldn’t get out. He had to call Ohm to pick Kao up in his place.

“Are you Khun Aries?” the bartender asked.

“Khrab.” Aries was Ohm’s alias when he was in public. He shook Kao again, trying to wake the elder up.

“Khun Khrab. He had passed out for an hour, now.” The bartender said.

“Thank you for your help.” Ohm paid the bill and also gave the bartender a hefty sum as a tip.

The happy bartender helped Ohm carry Kao to the car.


“Argh!” Ohm stretched himself dumping Kao on the soft bed. His back was aching as he carried Kao all the way from the parking lot. The elevator had been out of order and he had to climb the stairs carrying Kao with him.

“Phi is sorry na… ” Kao muttered, laying flat on his back.

Ohm frowned when he heard this.

“Phi never wanted to hurt you… Please forgive me na…” Kao slurred in sleep.

“Who is he apologizing to?” Ohm mumbled. His brows furrowed further when the thick smell of alcohol assaulted his nostrils again.

Kao had never been the kind who would drink so much. Especially when he was alone. He wondered what made Kao go to the pub and get drunk to this extent.

Ohm changed Kao’s clothes and tucked him in properly.

Just as he was about to leave the room, Kao’s phone started ringing. He looked at the caller ID that was saved as ‘N’ Daredevil’.

He didn’t pick up the call as he felt that it might not be urgent. But when the phone stopped ringing, he noticed that there were thirty-seven calls from the same number alone.

The phone started ringing again. It was ‘N’ Daredevil’ calling again. Ohm hesitated for a bit but answered the phone eventually.

“P’ Kao, are you alright? Why were you not picking up my calls? I have been calling you since evening.” An extremely worried voice was heard from the other side of the phone.

Hearing the voice, Ohm could make out that it belonged to a teenager. But he couldn’t identify who was calling Kao so late. “Hello?”

“Hello, P’ Kao. Can you hear me?” the caller asked.

“He is asleep,” Ohm answered.

“Who is this? Are you P’ Sound?” the caller asked feeling puzzled hearing a stranger’s voice.

“No. I am P’ Kao’s cousin.” Ohm answered patiently.

“Pa Ann’s Luk?” the caller asked.


“Phi, how is P’ Kao? Is he doing okay? I couldn’t get in touch with him the whole day.”

“He is fine. Just a little drunk.”


Ohm could hear the horror in the caller’s voice. He sighed.

“Exactly, how drunk is he that he can’t even answer his phone?”

“Drunk enough to pass out?” Ohm replied feeling a little unsure.

The other side of the call went silent.

“Hello?” Ohm spoke again as the call wasn’t hung.

“Phi Khrab. Please tell him that I will take care of things at this end and he doesn’t have to worry about it.” the caller requested.

“I will tell him. By the way, who are you?” Ohm nodded.

“P’ Kao hasn’t saved my number?” the caller asked.

“He has. But by the nickname N’ Daredevil.” Ohm answered honestly. He heard a snicker from the other side of the phone.

“My name is Fluke, Phi. I am one of his old friends.” The caller answered.

“Old friend? How old are you anyway? You sound like a teenager.” Ohm said sarcastically.

“I ‘am’ a teenager” the caller retorted. “Anyway, phi can you convince him to call me once he wakes up? I just want to check in on his condition.”

Ohm looked at the sleeping Kao “I can’t guarantee that he will call you back.”

“He will,” Fluke said with surety. “Phi, are you currently in P’ Kao’s place?”


“Okay, phi. Thank you for taking care of P’ Kao, Phi. Have a good night.” Fluke hung up the call.

Ohm frowned and stared at the phone finding the caller weird.


Fluke ended the call and looked at the Earth. Earth was sleeping soundly due to exhaustion.

“Fluke, go get some sleep. I will watch over him.” Prem entered the room. “Don’t forget that you have a competition to take part tomorrow.”

Fluke closed his laptop and got up. His eyes never left Earth. “Let’s talk outside.”

The duo exited the room and sat on the couch in the living area.

This was supposed to be a fun trip for the four friends but things took a turn when Earth had a panic attack in the afternoon.

“What do you think must have happened there, Fluke?” Sammy asked.

“No idea. But as far as I can read the situation, it is most likely that P’ Kao rejected Earth.” Fluke picked up the remote to turn down the TV volume.

“No way!” Prem exclaimed. “Wasn’t everything going well between Earth and P’ Kao? Why on earth would he reject him?”

“I am sure that P’ Kao is in love with Earth.” Sammy chimed.

“I know. I also thought the same.” Fluke sighed. “But sometimes, just love is not enough to establish a relationship, Sammy.”

Sammy and Prem looked at each other and then at Fluke for an explanation.

“P’ Kao… he… ” Fluke sighed again. “Our world and the adult’s world are way different, guys. Things are way more complicated for them.”

“What complication can stop P’ Kao from accepting Earth?” Prem questioned.

“Many complications. Like the fact that… Earth is a guy.” Fluke replied.

“You mean P’ Kao is straight?” Sammy’s eyes widened at the probability.

“I have no idea about what P’ Kao’s sexuality is. But I know that his family is very traditional and conservative. They would never accept a homosexual relationship, especially not for P’ Kao who is the eldest.” Fluke explained.

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