Chapter 1

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Alright, here's chapter 1! Woo, so nervous! I'll be posting pictures of clothes and what not to make the story more imaginative! - Sunset
(Y/N) POV:
Friday - June 2, 2023
9:23 a.m.
Your home.

Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.
I groan tiredly as I slowly roll over in my sleep hearing the loud annoying beeps of my alarm that should have woken me up half an hour ago, my own fault of course, as I open my eyes defiantly before rolling over to turn off the alarm. I sigh looking up at my ceiling fan watching it spinning in a never ending cycle of repetitions. Ironic. "Gosh, already Friday... ugh, I better hurry before I'm late to work... again."

I fling my blanket off of my body in annoyance and sits up feeling my long (H/C) hair roll down my shoulders as I yawn tiredly and stares at the ground beginning to day dream. Well, it's more appropriate to say that I'm really just starting to fall asleep again.

Work never felt more unnecessary in this very moment.

But, no use complaining. It's been 6 years since mom and dad died and living alone is not going to pay the bills that's been left behind. Even if the job is rushing around catering to miserable people at a run down diner who so happen to think a tip amounts to dirty stacked up plates and messy table manners. Not really worth the $7.25 minimum wage but that's the best job I could get in this city.

I walk down the stairs and turns on the TV as I grab myself a bowl of cereal and sits down watching what's "new" in the world. I watch as the reporter talks about the recent gang violence at the hands of an infamous mafia that has been occurring much more often than before. "I better get a pepper spray soon.. I do get home late at night.."

The reporter, in the most emotionless tone ever, speaks, "New sightings of the crime syndicate run by the infamous Strawhats has been causing terror all across the city. Developments have shown that they've struck at least five banks leaving nothing but trauma and destruction in their wake. While sightings of these criminals have been seen, no one has discovered the identity of these masked suspects, and their bounties have steadily increased over the past several weeks. Police are urgently encouraging that if you are to walk out at night, make sure that you have someone with you at all times."

I watch the screen seeing the recordings of the supposed "Strawhats" shooting at cars, breaking windows and jumping out of banks before making their getaways as I eat my cereal not exactly surprised at the sight. This city is known for its high crime rates, and numerous amounts of crime syndicates and their horrible actions upon innocent civilians that can range from theft, assault, murder, and worse. The world is just as bleak as it probably will always be. Sad.

I look over at my phone and notices that it is now 9:50 am and my eyes widen as I rush to take a shower before putting on the most conservative uniform known to man kind. Honestly, I'm supposed to be a waitress. Like, seriously, who thought it was a good idea to have a waitress wear a mini skirt while having to deal with standing for more than eight hours? I swear, the universe must really love clichés. (Sigh. Yes I do 😔).

((Y/N)'s uniform is something to this extent! Or whatever you want it to be! Always fun to imagine!)

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((Y/N)'s uniform is something to this extent! Or whatever you want it to be! Always fun to imagine!)

At least it made me look cute, that's a bonus. I guess? I shake my head at the thoughts and rushes out the door before hoping onto the bus breathing hard but desperately trying to hide how out of shape I am, considering my heavy breathing is coming directly out of my nose as I hold my hip trying to look as normal as possible.

After a good 30 minutes and 7 perverted/judge mental stares later, I begrudgingly walk off the bus and into the Spice Bean diner that's run by Makino. She's the best boss I've had so far and very understanding of my circumstances. She's always willing to help me out and her smile always makes me feel warm inside. But it's not my boss that irritates me, it's the fact that most people who walk into this diner always seem to be more angry than normal. Maybe it's the city? Still, shouldn't be my fault. I'm just trying to make a living.

I walk over to grab a few menus as I notice several men sitting at a table as I roll my eyes, "Great... all men... guess I have no choice. What's going to be said first, 'Can I have a coffee?', 'What would you recommend?', or 'Nice skirt sweetheart.'?" I'm sure it's going to be the last option.

I force a smile as I softly lay the menus down in front of the men as I grab a notepad and pen preparing to right down their requests. "Hello, welcome to Spice Bean, my name is (Y/N) and I'll be your waitress. What can I get you started with today?"

One of the men smirks as he looks me up and down in a very obvious way. "Nice skirt sweet heart... are you on the menu?" He chuckles at his horrible flirty one liner.

"Saw that coming a mile away..." my smile twitches as I close my eyes trying to remain calm and composed as ever as my grip on the notepad tightens.

"I'm sorry sir, but that's not something I can do for you. I can recommend a few breakfast options I'm sure will be to your liking-" my eyes open suddenly as I hear very loud gunshots from outside as people run across the street screaming to avoid the confrontation happening from what appears to be a block away. I sigh softly and looks back at the men at the table as they look around stunned and confused considering the other servers and waitresses, myself included, and other customers don't appear to be stunned from what just happened and are doing their normal routine. From the looks of these poor mens faces, they must not be from around here.

"Never a dull moment in this city. So what will it be?" I smile once again and clicks my pen to begin writing.

Dull is definitely not something this city should be addressed as. And if it were, then my life is much more thrilling than it is right now.


And that was chapter 1! What did you all think?? Sorry it was short, its pretty late and I have school tomorrow so I'll try to have longer chapters soon! I hope this is going to be a fun journey for you all! I don't know when I can post my next chapter but I'll do my best very soon! I'm thinking weekly updates but we will see!

And don't worry, Luffy will pop up soon! Just gotta set the scene!

By the way, after every chapter I'll be adding some funny One Piece pictures and memes so look forward to that, I guess! 😅

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By the way, after every chapter I'll be adding some funny One Piece pictures and memes so look forward to that, I guess! 😅

See you soon! - Sunset

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