Chapter 24

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Hai everyone! Thank you for reading! Let me just give y'all a quick reminder:

This story is an OOC (out of character) modern AU (alternative universe) of One Piece.
Meaning that everything that happens has NOTHING to do with the plot of One Piece, I only took the characters and plopped them into a different scenario. That's literally the definition of AU 😭. I'm sorry if there are characters that are OOC, characters who aren't villains but now are in this story, characters you want together but aren't, etc.

Anyways, that's all I wanted to mention! Thank you for giving the story a chance if you've read this far!
No One's POV
Thursday - June 22, 2023
4:10 p.m.
Grand Line Highway

Traffic was horribly chaotic; cars were lined up either to enter or leave the Grand Line City, it was a sight to behold, however, the Strawhats were doing everything they could to get out of the traffic jam by any means necessary.

Literally any means.

Zoro grabbed onto Luffy's arms as he was practically crawling over the passenger seat, "Luffy! Calm your ass down! If you do something stupid and reckless like that we can get pulled over before even getting to that damn city!".

Luffy gripped the two pistols that were in his hands as he was aching to shoot any car that tried to cut them off, it seemed that poor Luffy had horrible road rage even while Franky was doing most of the driving.

"Let go Zoro! If one more bastard cuts me off I'll make sure they never drive on the damn road again!" Luffy grunted in frustration until he noticed his phone ringing and sighed seeing it was Sanji, "What is it Sanji, where are you guys anyway I don't see you.".

Sanji was very close to yelling, "Luffy we are literally behind you guys! Don't you dare cause an accident right now! You better hold him back dumbass mosshead!".

Zoro grunted and yelled at the phone, "Yeah I'm fucking trying shitty ass cook! Give me the guns Luffy!" Zoro managed to pry them away with Luffy close to climbing to the back to fight him for it.

Franky looked down and sighed noticing his tank for the car starting to empty as he spoke up, "Super big problem guys, the car is low on cola so let's stop somewhere to refuel! Wouldn't hurt to get something to eat too right boss?".

Luffy's ears perked at the sound of food as he nodded and sat back down staying silent. The two cars, each carrying a shared number of the Strawhats, exited the highway and made their way to a gas station that was thankfully nearby. Once Franky had parked and begun to fuel up, Luffy walked out of the car with everyone following him outside. They each stayed silent, all knowing that they were sharing the same worries about you.

However, everyone's thoughts were broken once Luffy's phone started to ring out of the blue. He slowly pulled out his phone as his eyes widened seeing your name appear as the caller. Everyone surrounded him as he answered the call placing you on speaker for everyone to hear. Even though your name had been on the phone showing that it could have been you, Luffy was skeptical and felt that it could have been Shanks if he was unprepared.

"... Who is this?" Luffy remained calm and composed but most of all, firm. He didn't want to be tricked, especially knowing you could be in danger

"L-Luffy... it's me... are you okay?" Everyone smiles and let out a sigh of relief hearing your voice.

Luffy, however, glared at the phone annoyed by the question, "Why the hell does that matter? Are you okay?! We are almost there so just wait a little longer okay-?". Though, he soon saw himself being cut off by you.

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