Chapter 30

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Play the song throughout the chapter! (It is metalcore so if you don't like that don't listen! Listen to what you feel works best!)
No One's POV
Friday - June 23, 2023
2:18 a.m.
Red Palace Casino

Shanks seemed almost confused for the first time in his life. Luffy needed to simply "distract" him? He's always known Luffy to be more muscles than brains so why would he bother taking him seriously? A bluff, he thought. A simple method just so he can die thinking he might have won.

But why is it that he was starting to feel off? Shanks always had a keen sense of reality and balance. He knew what was happening at all times, even when it wasn't happening. But now, something was painfully different. Unnervingly different, and it wasn't until he felt something warm trickle down his nose that he realized something really wasn't going his way.

"You needed an hour to distract me you say? What did you plan Luffy. I'm surprised someone of your caliber is even capable of mere thought." A drop blood of blood fell to Luffy's cheek. How odd.

Luffy smiled as his hand that was holding the vial collapsed onto the ground. He let out a pained groan as he pushed himself to an upright position and yelled in pain when his legs ordered his body to stand. Even though he was wobbling, falling over, and stumbling, Luffy managed to stand back up. His body was bruised, bloodied, and horribly damaged, and all Luffy could feel was his body slowly going numb with short bursts of pain radiating all the way to his feet.

"Remember how you sent those bastards to drug me... I was tripping major balls for hours... well that got me thinking. I figured... beating you with my strength alone wouldn't do anything... no, I needed to outsmart you... think ahead of you... and I did." Luffy let out a small forced chuckle as he gripped the broken table to keep himself from falling. "I should really thank Chopper for this though... he made exactly what I asked for."

Shanks wiped his nose and looked down at his hand, his brow furrowing at the sight of blood almost as if his own blood had been a foreign sight. "What exactly do you mean by that Luffy."

Luffy spit blood to the side, "It means I paid you back for that day... a drug. It's the same as the one you fucked me up with so don't worry, only this one is ten times worse... you won't know what is real, who is real, or if you're even real... I don't know if you'll live or die, but I know you'll be fucked up... and the fact that you didn't even notice when I gave it to you is more of a win than you could ever imagine..." Luffy smiled and started to laugh until his stomach knotted up in pain.

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"Rude and a brute as always aren't you Luffy? It's a shame you weren't raised with better manners. Now, before anything happens, why not have a drink... gentlemen, if you would kindly let me and an old friend have some privacy, I would appreciate it." Shanks looked back at the men as they each bowed and exited the room.

Shanks slowly lays two glasses on the table and slowly pours in whiskey for him and Luffy. He sits back down and smiles watching Luffy sitting down in front of the desk.

"Much better. Two men sitting and drinking as they relish about the past. Always something I'd been looking forward to. I'm curious though," he slowly glanced at the camera as he sees the man Luffy brutalized being treated hopelessly, "What caused such violence right now?".

Luffy glared at Shanks, "He touched one of my nakama... which you know you don't fucking do with me.".

"Hmm... so protective... could it be that the infamous Straw Hat has fallen in love?" Shanks smiles and takes a graceful swig of his whiskey. "That would be something interesting. A man devoid of emotion falling in love.... What a fascinating contradiction." Shanks slowly stands up and walks to his window as he turns his back to Luffy, "Though it is a shame what you've done to the casino I've worked so very hard to run. Destroyed with bodies all over the place. You just can't seem to find peace can you?".

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