Chapter 20

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(Play the song when you see *Play song*, just in case you wanna know what the author listens to when she writes this chapter. Yes, John Wick music is what I feel fits for most of these scenes 😔)
Wednesday - June 21, 2023
1:40 p.m.
Going Merry Mansion

I couldn't believe everything that I had seen play out on Franky's hacked security cameras. I swear, I'm living in a movie. Or some cheesy book. I don't know, but seeing Luffy literally annihilate over two hundred men on his own in a span of four hours was seriously the hottest thing ever.

Wait, no. That's not what I meant.

It was incredibly insane, the men fighting him literally had no idea what was coming. Just here one minute and gone the next! Seriously, insane.

And hot, it was definitely hot.

I sat back onto the couch as I held my cheeks in the palm of my hands. "What am I getting into? I'm seriously involved in the mafia at this point! I mean, I didn't just imagine that right?!". I look over at the others seeing Sanji, Nami, Frank, Zoro, and Chopper's mouth dropping to the floor as they're gasping and unsure of what to say, only able to let our choked gasps of frustration, anger, and confusion. I groan and look back down at my knees, "Yeah, no not my imagination! Ugh this is crazy... so be it, maybe I could scold Luffy when he gets home for doing something so hazardous..?". I look up at the ceiling imagining a scenario in which I'm telling him off, though imagination Luffy overpowers me and tell me to shut up and mind my business and just like the fool I am, I obey. "Oh please, scolding him wouldn't work.. he's Luffy after all.".

Usopp walked through the front door of the house as he sighed and walked over to the living room, confused by our expressions and behavior.
"Hey guys, what's going o- WHAAAAAA-..", as he looked over at the security footage, his eyes popped out of his head witnessing the now demolished warehouse that's caught on fire, "WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED???? I thought Luffy was going in spy style!!".

Sanji groans and holds his forehead, "Yeah, it was going to be like that, but before we could even help him he drove right into the warehouse and bombed it... dumbass...".

"Honestly, our boss is one of a kind isn't he..." Nami shakes her head and sits down beside me, "When he gets home I'm going to beat him to a pulp...". Nami slowly grunts as she lifts her clenched fist in anger.

I smile reassuringly at Nami and pat her back to calm her nerves as I sighed understanding her frustrations. Truthfully, Luffy was very careless of the way he handled the situation. Now, cops could go and see the damage and could find evidence that could be used against him. I just hope that the fire he caused was enough to destroy any chance of him being caught.

Our ears perked when we heard the front door open, and to our frustration, Luffy walked in with blood covered clothes that were nearly burnt off and completely shredded. Sanji grunted, stomping over to him, as he gripped the collar of Luffy's shirt.

"Are you insane?! Don't you think there was a more effective way to go about that?!" Sanji was shaking, and it was clear to see that he was livid.

"I finished it didn't I?! Secretive stuff isn't my thing. I wanted to get it over with as fast as I could and I did!" Luffy shoved Sanji aside as he glared at him, "We don't have time to argue anyway. We need to go meet him right now. I couldn't figure out anything from that warehouse on Shanks location.".

Sanji scoffed, "Yeah no shit, you blew it all up! Now who the hell are you expecting us to meet now...".

Zoro walked to Luffy, handing him new clothes, and then smacked Luffy on the back of the head. Luffy rubbed his head and grunted, "We need to meet Law. He has intel that could get us closer to where Shanks is. Pretty sure Torao could be the best option for right now.".

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