Chapter 10

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Play the song ONLY when you see *Play Song*, you'll see why :). By the way, if you do not like metal, rock, or metalcore music you may not like the song listed but it makes the most sense to me for the story! (Yes it's from John Wick I'm sorry)
Stay tuned until the end of the chapter.
⚠️⚠️⚠️ - Graphic violence and language.
Enjoy! -Sunset
Monday - June 5, 2023
11:35 a.m.
Heavenly Dream Shopping Complex

After a thirty minute car ride of either pure silence or awkward conversation, we finally arrived at the mall which was insanely huge. Hundreds of people appeared to be walking in and out of the mall and the building itself was at least five stories tall. I couldn't help but look at Nami and Luffy who seemed used to this type of lifestyle and feel embarrassed. This place was luxurious and seemed far beyond my own reach.

I mean, luxury? Never heard of her.

Once Luffy had parked Nami exited the car fast and hurried me to follow her as I laughed a bit

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Once Luffy had parked Nami exited the car fast and hurried me to follow her as I laughed a bit. I look over to Luffy who was busy on his phone as I smile slightly, "Thank you for the ride Luffy..! I appreciate it..!".

Luffy turned over to me and shrugged as he got out of the car and suddenly looked over at me leaving the car too. "If something happens let Nami know and she can call me. Just don't trust anyone." Luffy waved before walking in the mall as he seemed to be glancing in every direction before hiding the top portion of his face with his strawhat.

I simply nodded and ran after Nami as we both walked into the mall together. The mall, as expected, was breathtaking and incredibly huge. There were stores as far as the eye could see and people of different nationalities were inside shopping, conversing, laughing, and more.

I could feel my mouth drop open at the sight of the different floors, each housing their own row of stores as I followed Nami who was eagerly entering her favorite store that she mentioned from time to time

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I could feel my mouth drop open at the sight of the different floors, each housing their own row of stores as I followed Nami who was eagerly entering her favorite store that she mentioned from time to time.

As we walked inside, I could see rows of quality brand clothes that seemed way beyond my budget and when I looked at a shirt going for $75.99, my predictions were right. I can't afford this. Well, I can, but I'm not so materialistic that I need a plain shirt (it was literally just a pink shirt with fake jewels that spelled out "Juicy") for $75.99.

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