Chapter 22

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Thursday - June 22, 2023
9:39 a.m.
Going Merry Mansion

I ran to the kitchen as fast as I could, seeing Sanji fuming, as I walked over to him and waved at him so I can perk his attention. He looked over at me glaring until his eyes burst into hearts and his entire demeanor changed, as would expect when you're a woman saying a simple hello to Sanji.

"Good morning (Y/N)-chwannnn~!!! I'm sorry if I woke you, it seems a gluttonous asshole ate all of the meat I had." He goes through the fridge and sighs having no luck.

"Oh that would be my fault... I had woken up before everyone and Luffy was hungry and asked me to cook so I kinda cooked everything... I'm so sorry." I rubbed my arm and gave an apologetic smile again.

"Oh, don't worry~! That's such a kind thing of you to do!! If it's you, I could never be mad my dear! I'll think of something else to cook for now!" He gave me a warm smile and I sighed in relief thankful that he wasn't upset with me.

I did feel guilty however for wasting the meat that Sanji more than likely paid for, so I decided the best thing to do right now was replenish what I wasted. I walked over to my room and quickly put on the outfit I was going to wear for the day as I made my way down the stairs and looked at everyone, who were sitting on the couch.

"Hey guys, I'll be heading to the store to buy some meat, I feel bad for wasting it!" I looked at my purse that was placed on the table and I grabbed it making sure my wallet and phone were inside

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"Hey guys, I'll be heading to the store to buy some meat, I feel bad for wasting it!" I looked at my purse that was placed on the table and I grabbed it making sure my wallet and phone were inside.

Usopp and Nami looked at each other nervously before looking over at me. Usopp rubbed the back of his head, "You sure you're okay going alone?? I'm sure we could all go with (Y/N) right??".

Nami looks over at me and nods, "Yeah! I don't mind going, but you'll have to wait for me to get ready if you don't mind!".

I shake my head knowing that for Nami she'd more than likely take close to two hours just to get herself ready. No offense, but I would like to go and come back so I can enjoy my lazy day a bit more.

"No don't worry, I'll be fine! The store is like twenty minutes away so it's no biggie! I'll be taking the bus! I'll call you all when I come back home okay?" I waved at everyone before stepping out of the house and walking down the sidewalk to head to the bus stop.

As I'm waiting by the bus stop, I look up at the bright blue sky noticing how there are hardly any clouds in the sky as the sun shines down causing my eyes to squint. "It's such a beautiful day... maybe I could take a dip in the pool they have at their house! Better get home quickly!".

While the day was lovelier than ever, I couldn't help but feel something a bit off. Things seemed far too perfect for my liking and I found myself getting a bit paranoid because of it. I'm starting to regret coming to the store by myself, but I couldn't possibly wait for a trip that was going to take no more than an hour all because Nami needs to look fashionable every time she goes out. I'm sure I'm being paranoid. Definitely. It's just going to be a quick trip and I'll be back home.

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