Chapter 11

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Recap of chapter 10
Arc 1 - Acquainted

I couldn't stand it. I didn't recognize this Luffy. He was hungry for blood. He wanted to kill this man. But I couldn't just watch as he risked being thrown in jail! I ran over to Luffy as I kneeled beside him wincing at the disfigured man now laying prone on the ground as I gripped Luffy's shirt.

"LUFFY! That's enough..!!! He's probably already dead!! Stop this already!" I yelled as loud as I could but it felt like I couldn't reach him anymore. So, I did what I could do and placed myself between him and the man as I flinched seeing Luffy's fist coming towards me but stopping abruptly. "...Please... that's enough Luffy...! There's no reason to do this..!".

Luffy's eyes were covered by his bangs as his whole body was shaking, "No reason? You and Nami and the others are my reason. My nakama is all I have left. You're all my reason." My eyes widened as I saw Luffy looking at me with cold, blood hungry eyes as I shivered from his intense pressure caused by his glare alone.

His voice was calm, hoarse, and showed no regret or emotion. "I'll kill for you all or I'll die for you all. But right now. I'm going to fucking kill for you.". I squealed seeing him push me to the side so I sit down away from him as I tried to yell for him to stop.

             · · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·

The stranger chuckles and suddenly bursts into a fit of laughter as he stands up from the table walking out of the shadows as he looks outside his window, "That girl isn't just any other person. Luffy wouldn't just bring anyone into his crew so easily. He saw something in her. He's fascinated by her no less. An innocent woman, pure from the darkness that he's shrouded in. Do you know what that makes her?" The stranger smirks as he grabs a knife and stabs it into the picture of you, "A potential weakness.". The stranger walks forward as his red hair shines vibrantly in the sunlight.

"I suppose it's time to give the "beast" a visit.". Shanks slowly looks at your picture one more time and smirks.


Arc II - Red Turmoil

Monday - June 5, 2023
6:38 p.m.
Driving home from Heavenly Dream Shopping Complex

Everything happened so fast that I was questioning if what happened was real. This was supposed to be a normal day, just a day for me and Nami to relax and shop. Where did everything go wrong?

I was exhausted from running, and Nami seemed to be tired too. I was holding onto Luffy's wrist as well as Nami and we dragged him out of the mall while he remained silent and simply ran with us. I looked back at Luffy while running and I saw as he wasn't facing us and his veins were bulging from his arms showing his anger hadn't subsided. "It's okay, we can get out of here before the cops come... God, what's happening?! Nothing makes sense to me anymore!".

I panted from running fast as I saw the front doors as we burst outside along with a crowd of people screaming and shouting. Nami grabbed Luffy's keys as she looked around frantically and then suddenly looked at me worriedly.

"(Y/N), stay with Luffy..! I'll bring the car over so we can just go home, I'll explain everything in the car okay?!" Before I could agree, Nami ran as fast as she could to the car holding our bags as she disappeared into the crowd of people running.

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