Chapter 31

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Recap of chapter 30
Arc II - Red Turmoil

I looked down at Luffy as my eyes widened seeing his onyx eyes looking up at me, focused on my face as it made me blush in return. I smiled and closed my eyes before speaking, "Are you okay..?".

He shook his head slowly, "I feel like shit."

I nodded my head and bit my lip trying to hold on the tears, "Thank you... for saving me... and all of us... I just wish this didn't happen. I'm just so thankful you're alive..." I guess I couldn't stop the tears from falling anymore.

He looked at me, almost confused by my reaction as he sighed, "I'm sorry it took so long to get you back. I... I wanted to see you..." Luffy drifted again to sleep; I'm not sure if he knew what he was saying but that didn't matter. I was just so happy to know that he was just as worried about me as I was worried about him.

Whatever happens next, I hope that I'll get to be by his side.

What a bloody turmoil this turned out to be.

Might be a bad time to mention this but I could really use a shower right about now.

As we drove out of the gates of Tesoro, I could hear and see cop cars flooring past us, with their loud sirens and their blaring red and blue lights, in the opposite direction. Their journey was probably to the destroyed casino and whatever is maybe left of Shanks if he's even alive. Regardless, we were going home, and all that was left behind us was the fading view of the golden city that was faded by the heavy rainfall as we made our way back home.


Arc III - Flames Upon a Burning Wind

Friday - July 7, 2023
9:44 a.m.
Going Merry Mansion

It had been three weeks since the whole situation between Shanks and Luffy had taken place. Lots had happened within those last three weeks, so let's catch us up to speed.

The day that we left Gran Tesoro, we had came back home and rushed to take Luffy inside. He was heavily wounded, his body was cold, and he wasn't even bothering to communicate at that point. I wanted to take him to the hospital, I really did, but being a major mafia boss in the underworld meant there was little guarantee that the hospital would accept that fact as medical insurance.

Chopper was in charge of him for the time and every day hundreds of medicines and medical supplies were needed. He hardly had a break and needed hundreds of blood transfusions just so Luffy could accumulate what he lost. Thankfully, he had returned to normal and after a week or two he was awake and communicating with us.

He was told, okay no, he was demanded by Chopper to stay in bed so he could heal properly and if he needed anything he could simply call us and we wouldn't hesitate to bring what he needed or wanted. But as one could imagine Luffy said:

"Fuck that. I'll get my food if I want, I'm hungry."

As frustrating as he was being, we were all just relieved that he was starting to sound like his normal self. While he did take Chopper's advise, there were numerous times where I would find him stuffing his face with food or Sanji and Zoro dragging him, screaming and kicking, back to his room.

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