Chapter 9

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It was 2:30 a.m. when I wrote this and I couldn't sleep :,) - Sunset
Monday - June 5, 2023
6:24 a.m.
Going Merry Mansion

My eyes slowly opened but soon closed as I yawned, waking up, and soon sits up from the position I was in sighing softly as I was recollecting the events that happened. Last night was amazing, we saw movies, ate too many snacks, and just got to know each other until maybe three in the morning. Wasn't the best idea since now I am awake only able to get maybe three hours of sleep, but that isn't why I couldn't sleep longer than I wanted to. Being here is still surreal to me and it may take me a while to get used to it, especially with how big my room is now. I'm not complaining though, the bed was amazing and even if I am running on three hours of sleep, at least my back doesn't hurt like it did at the apartment.

I slowly flung my legs off the bed and extended my arms over my head to stretch, as I let out a deep sigh of relief. I headed to the door and walked out of the room and down the stairs quietly in hopes that I do not wake anyone up. As I headed into the dining room I peaked into the kitchen only to see that I was perhaps the only one awake at this hour. "I guess Sanji isn't awake.. I was hoping to ask for breakfast but I shouldn't try to wake him up for that.". I walk into the kitchen admiring the food that's available, but instead grabs the box of cereal that's sitting on the counter and pours some into a bowl along with some milk I pulled from the fridge.

I quietly hold my bowl and sits at the counter and proceeds to eat my cereal and smiles looking at the beautiful kitchen. I won't lie, it was a sight to behold, then again so was the home. I wouldn't mind cooking every once and a while here since it seems so large and accessible! Not to mention how much food they have here, I could cook for days and probably would still have enough food to make for years. What a different world than what I am used to.

The only downfall of this dining area is how quiet it is though, honestly I can hear myself chewing on my cereal each time I take a bite

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The only downfall of this dining area is how quiet it is though, honestly I can hear myself chewing on my cereal each time I take a bite. The kitchen is also so silent that you can hear the soft ticks of the clock on the wall. I slowly curled up into myself eating my cereal as I peek around me to make sure I'm indeed alone. Not that I'm scared or something like that.

I'm sorry guys, you have a lovely home, but the bigger it is the more sounds you can hear when it's dead silent and yeah, that's creepy.

I flinch once I hear a pair of footsteps walking this way and I look back seeing the silhouette of a person walking to the kitchen. I had believed it to be Sanji, so I swallowed whatever cereal I had left in my mouth from the previous scoop to be prepared to say good morning. I slowly turn in my seat to face, who I thought was Sanji, and smiles kindly.

"Oh! Good...ness.." and luck decided not to be on my side today, in fact luck decided to humiliate me once again. Instead of Sanji walking into the kitchen, I saw a half asleep, shirtless, Luffy walking in as he completely ignored my presence and made his way to the fridge to look for what I can only guess was meat. I bit my lip unable to avert my eyes at the sight before me and I could feel my eyes traveling to his hands, up to his arms, across his shoulders, and down to his back.

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